Native Human Apolipoprotein B (including Ag(x) antigen)

Cat.No. : APOB-613H
Product Overview : Native human APOBwas expressed in human plasma.Itsmolecular weight is 550000 Dalton.
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Species : Human
Source : Human Plasma
Tag : Non
Description : APOB is thedominant protein constituent of LDL. The concentration of Apo B in normalplasma is 90 mg per 100 ml. APOB is thought to stabilize lipid emulsions,serve as a cofactor and modulator of enzymatic reactions, manage export oflipids out of cells and direct lipids to target organs. APOB levels arepositively correlated with the risk of coronary disease. Apo B levels may bea more sensitive predictor of cardiovascular risk than LDL levels and do notinvolve fasting for accurate measurement. Two forms of Apo B exist: Apo B-100and Apo B-48. The first is found in VLDL and LDL and is produced by theliver. The second is found in chylomicrons and originates in the intestine.Prepared from fresh, non-frozen plasma shown to be non reactive for HbsAG,anti-HCV, anti-HBc, and negative for anti-HIV 1 & 2 by FDA approvedtests. Add deionized water to original volume, aliquot and freeze unusedportion.
Form : Lyophilized powderin 0.01 M Sodium Deoxycholate, 0.05 M Sodium Carbonate, 0.05 M.
Concentration : Lyophilized
MolecularWeight : 550 kDa
Purity : > 95 percent pureby SDS-PAGE
Storage : When stored at -80°Cproduct is stable for 3 years from date of delivery. Avoid repeatedfreeze-thaw cycles.
OfficialSymbol : APOB
Gene Name APOB apolipoprotein B (includingAg(x) antigen) [ Homo sapiens ]
Synonyms APOB; apolipoproteinB (including Ag(x) antigen); FLDB; LDLCQ4; apolipoprotein B-100; apoB-48;apoB-100; apo B-100; mutant Apo B 100; apolipoprotein B48; ApolipoproteinB-100; OTTHUMP00000115994; Apo B-48
Gene ID 338
mRNA Refseq NM_000384
Protein Refseq NP_000375
MIM 107730
UniProt ID P04114
Chromosome Location 2p24-p23
Pathway Cellsurface interactions at the vascular wall; Chylomicron-mediated lipidtransport; FOXA1 transcription factor network; Fat digestion and absorption;Formation of Platelet plug; LDL-mediated lipid transport; Lipoproteinmetabolism; Vitamin digestion and absorption; Platelet Activation; amb2Integrin signaling
Function cholesteroltransporter activity; enzyme binding; heparin binding; lipid transporteractivity; low-density lipoprotein particle receptor binding; phospholipidbinding; protein heterodimerization activity

Not For Human Consumption!


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