Protein Deubiquitination Assay
The large group of enzymes that are responsible for the removal of ubiquitin from proteins are known as deubiquitination enzymes (also known as DUBs, deubiquitylating enzymes or ubiquitin deconjugating enzymes). The human genome encodes nearly 100 deubiquitinating enzymes, making them the largest family of enzymes in the ubiquitin system. DUBs are responsible for ubiquitin precursor processing, ubiquitin recycling, trimming of ubiquitin chains, as well other diverse roles in cell growth and differentiation, development, DNA damage, disease pathways, transcriptional regulation and chromatin remodeling.
Creative BioMart Protein Deubiquitination Assay provides a simple solution for screening activity of deubiquitination enzymes (DUBs) from cell extracts or purified recombinant proteins in human, mouse and rat systems. The assay contains a fluorescent ubiquitin substrate that when processed by the cysteine protease class of DUBs releases a fluorescent signal that is proportional to the amount of enzymatic activity.
- Fluorescent assay can be detected with an excitation wavelength of 485 nm and an emission wavelength of 535 nm
- Complete assay with optimized buffers for enhanced enzymatic activity
- Includes both positive control extract and a universal DUB inhibitor
- Great for either kinetic or endpoint analysis
- Quickly screen for DUB inhibitors
Please get in contact with Creative BioMart for more information or a detailed discussion.

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