Protein Sequence Analysis and Function Prediction

      Protein Sequence Analysis

      Creative BioMart, with a successful track record of offering more than ten thousand custom bioinformatics consultations, provides protein sequence analysis of proteins by classifying them into families and predicting domains and important sites. On top of our advanced technologies in bioinformatics, we combine protein signatures from a number of member databases into a single searchable resource, capitalising on their individual strengths to produce a powerful integrated database and diagnostic tool.

      Protein Sequence Analysis and Function Prediction

      Creative BioMart provides the following services consultation for researchers.

      • Sequence identity refers to the occurrence of exactly the same amino acid in the same position in two sequences.
      • Sequence similarity refers to the sequences aligned by applying possible substitutions scored according to the probability with which the occur.
      • Sequence homology reflects the evolutionary relationship between sequences.

      Creative BioMart will hopefully make our customers happier. Whether you are an experimental or a computational biologist, a researcher, clinician or a developer, teacher or student, our hope is that you will make the most out of the Creative BioMart resource!

      Protein Function Prediction

      Creative BioMart has substantially expanded the breadth of function annotations, e.g. by adding predictions of non-regular secondary structure and intrinsically disordered regions, disulphide bridges and inter-residue contacts, and finally by also covering trans-membrane beta barrels structures. We have also added important resources for the prediction of protein function, e.g. assisting in the annotation of subcellular localization, identifying protein-protein interaction sites and protein-DNA binding sites. We have added a few simple tools to predict enzymatic activity. Another major addition are the tools that predict the effect of amino acid changes upon protein function.

      Creative BioMart focuses on the manual annotation of chordata-specific proteins as well as those that are widely conserved. The aim of this program is twofold: 1. to keep the existing human entries up-to-date and 2. to broaden the manual annotation to other vertebrate species

      We are updating sequences which show discrepancies with those predicted from the genome sequence. Dubious isoforms, sequences based on experimental artefacts and protein products derived from erroneous gene model predictions are also revisited. We also continuously update human entries with functional annotation, including novel structural, post-translational modification, interaction and enzymatic activity data.

      Protein Sequence Analysis and Function Prediction

      Contact us or send an email at for project quotations and more detailed information.

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