Metal/Element Test Service
Creative BioMart provides a comprehensive list of metal/element test services, including regular metals such as iron and calcium, and toxic heavy metals, such as mercury, chromium, lead, cadmium, and arsenic.
Heavy metal contamination in the environment and food has raised great public concern in recent years. Normally, the concentration of heavy metal in the environment is too low to cause human health problem. However, the fast development of modern technology brings lots of mining, smelting, manufacturing and processing activities, leading to the entering of heavy metals into soil, air and water. Heavy metals can enrich up to thousands of times in the food chain. Once enters human body, heavy metal can interact with numerous proteins and enzymes and inactivate them, or accumulate in some organs and cause chronic poisoning. Excessive intake of heavy metals can cause various intoxication symptoms including cough, dyspnea, chest pain, nausea, vomit, shock, coma, etc. Some heavy metal can even cause malformation and cancer. Therefore, many countries have established metal contamination limit and metal test.
Creative BioMart is experienced in metal/element test, and can assure you fast and accurate metal test service on food, agricultural products, cosmetic and environment indicators. We guarantee consistent results with high sensitivity in accordance with international standards.
Metal/element test items and methods
Item | Method |
Calcium |
Copper | |
Iron | |
Sodium | |
Potassium | |
Magnesium | |
Cadmium | |
Arsenic/inorganic arsenic | |
Mercury | |
Aluminum | |
Nickel | |
Cobalt | |
Zinc | |
Lead | |
Tin | |
Manganese | |
Chromium | |
Selenium |

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