• Official Full Name

    selectin, lymphocyte
  • Overview

    L-Selectin encodes a cell surface adhesion molecule that belongs to a family of adhesion/homing receptors. The encoded protein contains a C-type lectin-like domain, a calcium-binding epidermal growth factor-like domain, plus two short complement-like repeats. The gene product is required for binding and subsequent rolling of leucocytes on endothelial cells, which facilitates their migration into secondary lymphoid organs and inflammation sites. Single-nucleotide polymorphisms in this gene have been associated with various diseases including immunoglobulin A nephropathy. Alternatively spliced transcript variants have been found for this gene
  • Synonyms

    CD62 antigen like family member L;CD62L;CD62L antigen;gp90 MEL;hLHRc;LAM 1;LAM1;LECAM1;Leu 8;LEU8;Leukocyte adhesion molecule 1;Leukocyte endothelial cell adhesion molecule 1;Leukocyte surface antigen Leu 8;LNHR;LSEL;Lyam 1;LYAM1;Lymph node homing receptor;lymphocyte adhesion molecule 1;pln homing receptor;PLNHR;selectin L;SELL;TQ1;L-selectin

Recombinant Proteins

  • Mouse
  • Human
  • Cynomolgus
  • Rhesus macaque
  • Rat
  • Zebrafish
  • Bovine
  • Mus musculus
  • HEK293
  • E.coli
  • Mammalian Cells
  • CHO
  • Human Cells
  • Insect Cells
  • His
  • Fc
  • Non
  • GST
  • Avi
Cat.# Product name Source (Host) Species Tag Protein Length Price
Sell-2278M Recombinant Mouse Sell protein, His-tagged HEK293 Mouse His 1-332 a.a.
SELL-2810H Recombinant Human SELL protein, His-tagged E.coli Human His 233-375 aa
Sell-831M Active Recombinant Mouse Sell Protein, His & Fc-tagged HEK293 Mouse Fc&His 1-332 a.a.
SELL-1960C Active Recombinant Cynomolgus SELL protein, hFc-tagged HEK293 Cynomolgus Fc Met1-Asn332
SELL-2361R Recombinant Rhesus SELL protein(Met1-Asn332), hFc-tagged HEK293 Rhesus macaque Fc Met1-Asn332
SELL-412R Active Recombinant Rhesus SELL protein, hFc-tagged HEK293 Rhesus macaque Fc Met1-Asn332
SELL-1660H Recombinant Human Selectin L, Fc-His Mammalian Cells Human Fc&His 1-332 a.a.
Sell-1764M Recombinant Mouse Selectin, Lymphocyte, Fc-His Mammalian Cells Mouse Fc&His
SELL-2658H Active Recombinant Human Selectin L CHO Human Non
SELL-2678H Recombinant Human Selectin L, His-tagged E.coli Human Non
SELL-27884TH Recombinant Human SELL, His-tagged E.coli Human His
SELL-27885TH Recombinant Human SELL, Fc-tagged Human Fc 1-343 a.a.
SELL-279H Recombinant Human L-Selectin,His-tagged E.coli Human His 39-332 a.a.
SELL-4132R Recombinant Rhesus SELL protein(Met1-Asn332), His-tagged HEK293 Rhesus macaque His Met1-Asn332
SELL-451H Recombinant Human Selectin L, Fc Chimera HEK293 Human Fc&His 1-343 a.a.
Sell-661M Recombinant Mouse Selectin, Lymphocyte, Fc-His HEK293 Mouse Fc&His 1-332 a.a.
SELL-680H Recombinant Human SELL protein, His & GST-tagged E.coli Human GST&His Glu109~Ser346
Sell-681M Recombinant Mouse Sell protein, His & GST-tagged E.coli Mouse GST&His Val101~Thr343
Sell-682R Recombinant Rat Sell protein, His-tagged E.coli Rat His Ile94~Asn332
SELL-7019H Recombinant Human SELL protein, His-tagged HEK293 Human His Met1-Asn332
SELL-7765Z Recombinant Zebrafish SELL Mammalian Cells Zebrafish His
SELL-8846C Recombinant Cynomolgus SELL, His tagged Human Cells Cynomolgus Non 1-332 a.a.
SELL-93C Recombinant Cynomolgus SELL, Fc tagged Human Cells Cynomolgus GST&His 1-332 a.a.
SELL-1131CCL Recombinant Cynomolgus SELL cell lysate Human Cells Cynomolgus Non
SELL-1963HCL Recombinant Human SELL cell lysate Human Cells Human Non
SELL-2614MCL Recombinant Mouse SELL cell lysate Human Cells Mouse Non
RFL10028HF Recombinant Full Length Human L-Selectin(Sell) Protein, His-Tagged E.coli Human His Full L. Full Length of Mature Protein (39-372)
RFL12804BF Recombinant Full Length Bovine L-Selectin(Sell) Protein, His-Tagged E.coli Bovine His Full L. Full Length of Mature Protein (39-370)
RFL33303MF Recombinant Full Length Mouse L-Selectin(Sell) Protein, His-Tagged E.coli Mus musculus His Full L. Full Length of Mature Protein (39-372)
RFL35914RF Recombinant Full Length Rat L-Selectin(Sell) Protein, His-Tagged E.coli Rat His Full L. Full Length of Mature Protein (39-372)
SELL-0278H Recombinant Human SELL protein, His-tagged CHO Human His Met1-Asn332
SELL-0956H Recombinant Human SELL Protein (Glu109-Ser346), N-GST tagged E.coli Human GST Glu109-Ser346
SELL-1262H Recombinant Human SELL protein, hFc&His-tagged HEK293 Human Fc&His Trp52-Asn345
Sell-165M Recombinant Mouse Sell Protein, His (Fc)-Avi-tagged HEK293 Mouse Avi&Fc&His
Sell-165M-B Recombinant Mouse Sell Protein Pre-coupled Magnetic Beads HEK293 Mouse
SELL-227H Recombinant Human SELL Protein, His-tagged Insect Cells Human His 52-345aa
SELL-233H Recombinant Human SELL Protein, His (Fc)-Avi-tagged HEK293 Human Avi&Fc&His
SELL-233H-B Recombinant Human SELL Protein Pre-coupled Magnetic Beads HEK293 Human
SELL-3949R Recombinant Rhesus Macaque SELL Protein, His (Fc)-Avi-tagged HEK293 Rhesus macaque Avi&Fc&His
SELL-3949R-B Recombinant Rhesus Macaque SELL Protein Pre-coupled Magnetic Beads HEK293 Rhesus macaque
SELL-410R Recombinant Rhesus SELL protein, His-tagged HEK293 Rhesus macaque His Met1-Asn332
SELL-5084H Recombinant Human SELL Protein (Met1-Asn332), C-His tagged Mammalian Cells Human His Met1-Asn332
Sell-5756M Recombinant Mouse Sell Protein, His-tagged HEK293 Mouse His
Sell-6796M Recombinant Mouse Sell Protein (Trp39-Asn332), C-His tagged Mammalian Cells Mouse His Trp39-Asn332
SELL-936R Recombinant Rat SELL Protein (Met1-Asn332), His-tagged HEK293 Rat His Met1-Asn332
SELL-96C Recombinant Cynomolgus SELL protein, His-tagged HEK293 Cynomolgus His Met1-Asn332

    Involved Pathway

    SELL involved in several pathways and played different roles in them. We selected most pathways SELL participated on our site, such as Cell adhesion molecules (CAMs), which may be useful for your reference. Also, other proteins which involved in the same pathway with SELL were listed below. Creative BioMart supplied nearly all the proteins listed, you can search them on our site.

    Pathway Name Pathway Related Protein
    Cell adhesion molecules (CAMs) CD80,CLDN7B,MHC2DCB,H2-Q10,MHC1UEA,JAM3B,Icosl,ICOSLG,NEO1,PTPRFB

    Protein Function

    SELL has several biochemical functions, for example, carbohydrate binding,cell adhesion molecule binding,glycosphingolipid binding. Some of the functions are cooperated with other proteins, some of the functions could acted by SELL itself. We selected most functions SELL had, and list some proteins which have the same functions with SELL. You can find most of the proteins on our site.

    Function Related Protein
    carbohydrate binding CANX,CHI3L2,MAN2B2,LMAN1L,ASGR1,GCKR,CD207,FCER2,CLEC10A,CLEC4M
    cell adhesion molecule binding CDH1,CADM1A,PVRL2L,CADM1,POSTN,ITGB1,GRIN2A,PVRL4,ADAM8,AMICA1
    glycosphingolipid binding LYN,Cel,SELP,LAMC1,LAMB1,LAMA1,Il2
    heparin binding THBS4,ADAMTS3,ZNF146,ABP1,LAMC2,PTPRFB,FN1,BMP7,CYR61L1,FGF12

    Interacting Protein

    SELL has direct interactions with proteins and molecules. Those interactions were detected by several methods such as yeast two hybrid, co-IP, pull-down and so on. We selected proteins and molecules interacted with SELL here. Most of them are supplied by our site. Hope this information will be useful for your research of SELL.



    • Cuong, NV; Carrique-Mas, J; et al. Rodents and Risk in the Mekong Delta of Vietnam: Seroprevalence of Selected Zoonotic Viruses in Rodents and Humans. VECTOR-BORNE AND ZOONOTIC DISEASES 15:65-72(2015).
    • Gahoual, R; Biacchi, M; et al. Monoclonal antibodies biosimilarity assessment using transient isotachophoresis capillary zone electrophoresis-tandem mass spectrometry. MABS 6:1464-1473(2014).

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