Recombinant Rhesus Macaque S100 Calcium Binding Protein B
Cat.No. : | S100B-5482R |
Product Overview : | Recombinant Rhesusmacaque S100 calcium binding protein B is a single, non-glycosylatedpolypeptide chain containing 92 amino acids. |
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Species : | Rhesus macaque |
Source : | E.coli |
Tag : | Non |
Description : | S100B isglial-specific and is expressed primarily by astrocytes. Not all astrocytes expressS100B. It has been shown that S100B is only expressed by a subtype of mature astrocytesthat ensheath blood vessels and by NG2-expressing cells. This protein mayfunction in neurite extension,proliferation of melanoma cells, stimulation ofCa2+ fluxes,inhibition of PKC-mediatedphosphorylation,astrocytosis and axonal proliferation, and inhibition ofmicrotubule assembly. In the developing CNS, it acts as a neurotrophic factorand neuronal survival protein. |
Form : | Lyophilized from a0.2μm filtered concentrated solution in PBS, pH 7.4. |
Purity : | >97%by SDS-PAGEand HPLC analyses |
Endotoxin Level : | <0.1 ng/μg ofprotein. |
Molecular Weight : | 10.7 kDa |
Reconstitution : | Centrifuge vialprior to opening.Reconstitute in sterile distilled water or aqueous buffercontaining 0.1% BSA to a concentration of 0.1-1.0 mg/ml. Stock solutionsshould be divided into working aliquots and stored at -80°C. Furtherdilutions should be made in appropriate buffered solutions. |
Storage : | The lyophilizedprotein is stable at 2-4°C, but should be kept desiccated at -20°C for long termstorage. After reconstitution, the protein is stable for 1 week at 2-4°C. Forlong term storage, aliquot and freeze at -80°C. Avoid repeated freeze-thawcycles. |
OfficialSymbol : | S100B |
Gene Name | S100B S100 calcium bindingprotein B [ Macaca mulatta ] |
Synonyms | S100B;S100 calcium binding protein B |
Gene ID | 708117 |
mRNA Refseq | XM_001098016 |
Protein Refseq | XP_001098016 |
UniProt ID | F7ANQ9 |
◆ Recombinant Proteins | ||
S100B-323H | Recombinant Human S100B protein, His/MBP-tagged | +Inquiry |
S100B-31009TH | Recombinant Full Length Human S100B Protein | +Inquiry |
S100B-5623C | Recombinant Chicken S100B | +Inquiry |
S100B-31010TH | Active Recombinant Human S100B protein(Ser2-Glu92), His-tagged | +Inquiry |
S100B-544R | Recombinant Rhesus S100B protein | +Inquiry |
◆ Native Proteins | ||
S100B-1116H | Native Human S100B Protein | +Inquiry |
S100B-257B | Native Bovine S-100b Protein | +Inquiry |
S100B-256B | Native Bovine S-100 Protein | +Inquiry |
◆ Cell & Tissue Lysates | ||
S100B-1418MCL | Recombinant Mouse S100B cell lysate | +Inquiry |
S100B-2858HCL | Recombinant Human S100B cell lysate | +Inquiry |
Not For Human Consumption!
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