Recombinant Pig Interleukin 1, Alpha

Cat.No. : IL1A-5432P
Product Overview : Recombinant Pig IL1Ahas a MW of 17.4 kDa.
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Species : Pig
Source : E.coli
Tag : Non
Description : IL1A is a protein that in humans is encoded bythe IL1A gene. The protein encoded by this gene is a cytokine of theinterleukin-1 family. IL1A possesses a wide spectrum of metabolic,physiological, haematopoietic activities, and plays one of the central rolesin the regulation of the immune responses. It binds to the interleukin-1receptor. IL1A is produced mainly by activatedmacrophages, as well as neutrophils, epithelial cells, and endothelial cells.In general, Interleukin 1 is responsible for the production of inflammation,as well as the promotion of fever and sepsis.
Form : Filtered through a0.22 micron sterile filter. Then lyophilized, carrier-free.
Molecular Weight : 17.4 kDa
Purity : >95% asdetermined by SDS-PAGE. Purified via sequential chromatography.
Endotoxin Level : <0.1 ng/µg ofprotein
Biological Activity : Determined by theD10S cell line proliferation assay with MTS detection. The ED50 is 0.02-0.04ng/ml.
Reconstitution : Centrifuge vialprior to opening. Lyophilized IL-1alpha may be reconstituted in water, orother appropriate buffered solutions to a concentration of 0.1-1.0 mg/ml.These stock solutions should be apportioned into working aliquots and storedat -20°C to -80°C (not a frost-free refrigerator). Further dilution should bemade in medium or buffered solution containing tissue culture grade carrierprotein, such as PBS with 0.1-1.0% BSA. Please note that the addition of anycarrier protein into this product may produce unwanted endotoxin. Thisdepends upon the particular application employed.
Storage : Lyophilized IL-1alpha should be stored at 2-4°C, preferably desiccated. Store reconstitutedIL-1 alpha at -20°C to -80°C (not in a frost-free refrigerator). When stored properly,IL-1 alpha is stable for greater than one year lyophilized and greater than 3months reconstituted. Avoid repeated freeze-thaw cycles.
OfficialSymbol : IL1A
Gene Name IL1A interleukin 1, alpha [ Susscrofa ]
Synonyms IL1A; interleukin 1,alpha; IL-1alpha; interleukin-1 alpha; IL-1 alpha; interleukin 1-alpha
Gene ID 397094
mRNA Refseq NM_214029
Protein Refseq NP_999194
UniProt ID P18430
Chromosome Location 3q12-q13; 3
Pathway Apoptosis;Cytokine-cytokine receptor interaction; Graft-versus-host disease;Hematopoietic cell lineage; Influenza A; Leishmaniasis; MAPK signalingpathway; Measles; Osteoclast differentiation; Pertussis; Prion diseases;Rheumatoid arthritis; Salmonella infection; Tuberculosis; Type I diabetesmellitus

Not For Human Consumption!


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