Recombinant Human MYC tag protein

Cat.No. : MYC-152H
Product Overview : Recombinant Human MYC tag protein was expressed in E. coli.
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Species : Human
Source : E.coli
Tag : Non
Description : Expression of genes in E. coli or yeast or baculovirus offers a convenient system to produce large amounts of recombinant proteins that may otherwise be difficult to isolate from natural cells and tissues. Very often antibodies to these newly identified proteins are not available to study its biochemical properties, monitor protein expression, and purification. In order to circumvent this problem, short pieces of well-defined peptides (Poly-His, Flagepitope or c-myc epitope or HA-tag) or small proteins (bacterial GST, MBP, Thioredoxin, b-Galactosidase, VSV-Glycoprotein etc) are often cloned along with the target gene. Proteins are expressed as fusion proteins. Antibodies to these fusion-tags are already available to monitor fusion protein expression and purification. Therefore, fusion-tags serve as universal tags much like secondary antibodies. Many tags have their own characteristics. Poly-His-fusion proteins (6 x His) can bind to Nickel-Sepharose or Nickel-HRP. GST-fusion proteins can bind to glutathione-Sepharose. Therefore, a high degree of purification of fusion protein can be achieved in just one affinity purification step. Purity of fusion proteins can be followed by Tag-antibodies. Very often, fusion proteins are directly injected into animals to generate antibodies. Some fusion tags can be removed later by treatment with enzymes to generate tag-free recombinant proteins.
Form : In PBS, pH 7.4 at 100 ug/100 ul in liquid or in powder.
Molecular Mass : ~9.5 kDa
Storage : Store stock solutions at –20 centigrade or below in suitable size aliquots. Do not repeatedly freeze and thaw.
Reconstitution : Reconstitute the powder in 100 ul PBS to prepare 1 mg/ml solution or other desired concentrations.

Not For Human Consumption!


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