Native Bovine Pancreatic Trypsin Inhibitor

Cat.No. : PTI-603B
Product Overview : NativeBovine PTI was expessed in bovine lung. Itsmolecular weight is 6510 Dalton.
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Species : Bovine
Source : Bovine Lung
Tag : Non
Description : The drug PTI, is thebovine version of the small protein basic pancreatic trypsin inhibitor, orBPTI, which inhibits trypsin and related proteolytic enzymes. Under the tradename Trasylol, aprotinin was used as a medication administered by injectionto reduce bleeding during complex surgery, such as heart and liver surgery.Its main effect is the slowing down of fibrinolysis, the process that leadsto the breakdown of blood clots. The aim in its use was to decrease the needfor blood transfusions during surgery, as well as end-organ damage due tohypotension (low blood pressure) as a result of marked blood loss.
Form : Lyophilized
Molecular Mass : 6.51 kDa
Endotoxin : <0.1 ng/μg="" of="">
Purity : >95% as determined by SDS-PAGE
Applications : Can be used for theisolation of proteins as well as for biopharmaceutical downstreampurification to inhibit undesired proteolytic activity of serine proteasessuch as trypsin, plasmin, trypsinogen, urokinase, chymotrypsin, kallikrein,elastase and others. Can also be used during immunodiffusion,radioimmunoassay or enzyme-linked immuno assay procedures. Aprotinin is usedin chromogenic assays for the determination of antithrombin III, heparin,a2-macroglobulin, factor Xa and thrombin to inhibit disturbing kallikrein orplasmin activities.
Storage : Stable for 2 years at -20°C . Avoid repeated freeze-thaw cycles.
Reconstitution : Centrifuge vialprior to opening. Reconstitute in distilled water or PBS to desiredconcentration. The optimal concentration should be determined by the user foreach specific application.
Gene Name PTI pancreatic trypsin inhibitor [ Bostaurus ]
Official Symbol PTI
Synonyms PTI; pancreatictrypsin inhibitor; BPI; BPTI; MGC148815; aprotinin; basic protease inhibitor;Pancreatic trypsin inhibitor
Gene ID 404172
mRNA Refseq NM_001001554
Protein Refseq NP_001001554
UniProt ID P00974
Chromosome Location chromosome: 13
Function peptidase inhibitoractivity; serine-type endopeptidase inhibitor activity; potassium channelinhibitor activity

Not For Human Consumption!


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