N'-Nicotinamide Methyltransferase (NNMT) Inhibitor Screening Assay Kit

Cat.No. : Kit-2215
Product Overview : N′-Nicotinamide Methyltransferase (NNMT) (E.C. catalyzes the N-methylation of nicotinamide, pyridines, and other analogues using S-adenosyl methionine (SAM) as the donor resulting in the production of 1-methylnicotinamide (MNA). NNMT plays a significant role in the regulation of metabolic pathways and is expressed at markedly high levels in several kinds of cancers, neurodegenerative diseases, obesity and diabetes, indicating it is a potential molecular target for therapy. NNMT inhibitor screening kit utilizes SAM as the methyl group donor and nicotinamide as the substrate. NNMT methylates nicotinamide generating S-adenosylhomocysteine (SAH) and 1-methylnicotinamide. The SAH is hydrolyzed by SAH hydrolase to form homocysteine, the free thiol group of which is detected using a Thiol Detecting Probe generating enhanced fluorescence signal that can be measured at Ex/Em = 392/482 nm. In the presence of an NNMT inhibitor, the enzymatic activity is inhibited resulting in decreased fluorescence. This assay kit is a simple, sensitive, and rapid tool to screen potential inhibitors of NNMT.
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Applications : Screening/studying/characterizing potential inhibitors of NNMT.
Storage : -80°C
Shipping : Dry Ice
Size : 100 assays
Kit Components : NNMT Assay Buffer; NNMT Enzyme; S-Adenosylmethionine (SAM); Nicotinamide; Enzyme-I; Enzyme-II; 1-Methylnicotinamide (MNA) (150 mM); Thiol Detecting Probe (DMSO); SAM Reconstitution Buffer
Target Species : Mammalian
Detection method : Fluorescence (Ex/Em = 392/482 nm)
Features & Benefits : Rapid assay and simple protocol;
Reliable test for screening potential inhibitors of NNMT;
Includes Inhibitor Control, 1-Methylnicotinamide (MNA)

Not For Human Consumption!


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