Recombinant Mouse Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor A

Cat.No. : Vegfa-5533M
Product Overview : Recombinant mouse Vegfais produced in serum-free adapted Sf9 cells and purified via sequentialchromatography.
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Species : Mouse
Source : Sf9 Cells
Tag : Non
Description : This gene is amember of the platelet-derived growth factor (PDGF)/vascular endothelialgrowth factor (VEGF) family and encodes a protein that is often found as adisulfide linked homodimer. This protein is a glycosylated mitogen thatspecifically acts on endothelial cells and has various effects.
Form : Lyophilized, carrierfree.
Purity : > 95% asdetermined by SDS-PAGE analysis.
Molecular Weight : 38.8 kDa(homodimer), 164 amino acid residues/subunit.
Endotoxin Level : < 0.1 ng/μg
Biological Activity : ED50range 1-6 ng/ml, determined by the dose dependent proliferation of humanumbilical vein cells (HUVEC). Optimal concentration for individualapplication should be determined by a dose response assay.
Sterility : Filtered prior tolyophilization through a 0.22 micron sterile filter.
Reconstitution : We recommend thatthis vial be briefly centrifuged prior to opening to bring the contents tothe bottom. Lyophilized mVEGF should be reconstituted to 0.1-1.0 mg/ml insterile deionized water or appropriate buffered solution containing 0.1% BSAto regain full activity. These stock solutions should be apportioned intoworking aliquots and stored at ≤-20oC. Further dilutions should be made inlow endotoxin medium or buffered solution with FBS or tissue culture gradeBSA. The optimal concentration should be determined for each specificapplication.
Storage : Lyophilized mVEGFshould be stored at 2-8°C, preferably desiccated. Store reconstituted mVEGFat ≤ -20°C (not in a frost-free freezer). Keep freeze-thaw cycles to aminimum.
OfficialSymbol : Vegfa
Pathways : Bladder cancer; Cytokine-cytokinereceptor interaction; Endochondral Ossification; Focal Adhesion; Focaladhesion; Hemostasis; Hypertrophy Model; Id Signaling Pathway; Neurophilininteractions with VEGF and VEGFR; PI3K/Akt/mTOR signaling pathway; Pancreaticcancer; Pathways in cancer; Platelet activation; Platelet degranulation; Renalcell carcinoma
Gene Name Vegfa vascular endothelialgrowth factor A [ Mus musculus ]
Synonyms Vegfa;vascular endothelial growth factor A; Vpf; Vegf; Vegf120; Vegf164; Vegf188; vascularendothelial growth factor A; OTTMUSP00000017463; OTTMUSP00000017464;OTTMUSP00000022243; OTTMUSP00000022244; OTTMUSP00000022245; vascularpermeability factor; Vascular endothelial growth factor A; Vascular permeability factor
Gene ID 22339
mRNA Refseq NM_001025250
Protein Refseq NP_001020421
UniProt ID Q00731
Chromosome Location 17 C; 17 24.2 cM
Function cell surface binding;chemoattractant activity; cytokine activity; fibronectin binding; growthfactor activity; heparin binding; platelet-derived growth factor receptorbinding; protein heterodimerization activity; protein homodimerizationactivity; vascular endothelial growth factor receptor 1 bindingvascularendothelial growth factor receptor 2 binding; vascular endothelial growthfactor receptor binding

Not For Human Consumption!


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