Recombinant Mouse Fibroblast Growth Factor 2
Cat.No. : | Fgf2-680M |
Product Overview : | Recombinant Mouse Fgf2is Expressed in E. coli. |
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Species : | Mouse |
Source : | E.coli |
Tag : | Non |
Description : | Fgf2 is one of atleast 22 mitogenic proteins of the FGF family, which show 35-60% amino acidconservation. Storage pools within the cell or on cell surface HeparanSulfate Proteoglycans (HSPG) are likely. The predicted 17 kDa Fgf2 isoformcan be located in both the cytoplasm and the nucleus and is presumed to bethe form secreted. Transcription from alternate start sites produces 21-24kDa forms found only in the nucleus. High and low molecular weight Human Fgf2targets the expression of different genes when expressed in NIH-3T3 cells. |
Form : | Lyophilized fromsterile filtered PBS pH 7.4. |
Molecular Weight : | 17 kDa |
Purity : | > 98% by HPLC andSDS-PAGE |
Endotoxin Level : | < 0.1 EU/µg |
Biological Activity : | ED50,determined by the dose-dependent stimulation of Thymidine uptake by BaF3cells expressing FGF receptors is <0.1ng/mL. |
Specific Activity : | 1x107Units/mg |
Reconstitution : | Centrifuge vialprior to opening. Add steriledistilled water or aqueous buffer containing 0.1% BSA to a concentration of0.1-1.0 mg/mL. Please note that the addition of any carrier protein into thisproduct may produce unwanted endotoxin. This depends upon the particularapplication employed. Further dilutions should be made in appropriatebuffered solutions. |
Storage : | Stable at 2-8°C, butshould be kept desiccated -20°C. Upon reconstitution, stable for up to 1 weekat 2-8°C. For maximal stability, store in working aliquots below -20°C. Avoidrepeated freeze/thaw cycles. |
OfficialSymbol : | Fgf2 |
Gene Name | Fgf2 fibroblast growth factor 2[ Mus musculus ] |
Synonyms | Fgf2; fibroblastgrowth factor 2; Fgfb; bFGF; Fgf-2; heparin-binding growth factor 2;HBGF-2; OTTMUSP00000046776; OTTMUSP00000047630; basic fibroblast growthfactor |
Gene ID | 14173 |
mRNA Refseq | NM_008006 |
Protein Refseq | NP_032032 |
UniProt ID | P15655 |
Chromosome Location | 3 19.3 cM |
Pathway | Downstream signalingof activated FGFR; ESC Pluripotency Pathways; Endochondral Ossification; FGFRligand binding and activation; FRS2-mediated cascade; IRS-mediated signalling;IRS-related events; Insulin receptor signalling cascade; MAPK signalingpathway; Melanoma; MicroRNAs in cardiomyocyte hypertrophy; PI-3K cascade; Pathwaysin cancer; Phospholipase C-mediated cascade |
Function | chemoattractantactivity; cytokine activity; fibroblast growth factor binding; fibroblastgrowth factor receptor binding; growth factor activity; heparin binding; ligand-dependentnuclear receptor transcription coactivator activity; protein binding; voltage-gatedcalcium channel activity |
◆ Recombinant Proteins | ||
Fgf2-061M | Active Recombinant Mouse Fgf2 Protein | +Inquiry |
FGF2-27258TH | Recombinant Human FGF2, His-tagged | +Inquiry |
FGF2-130H | Recombinant Human FGF2 Protein | +Inquiry |
FGF2-049H | Active Recombinant Human fibroblast growth factor 2 Protein, His&Flag tagged | +Inquiry |
FGF2-401F | Active Recombinant Human FGF2 Protein (146 aa) | +Inquiry |
◆ Native Proteins | ||
FGF2-34B | Active Native Bovine bFGF | +Inquiry |
FGF2-26551TH | Native Human FGF2 | +Inquiry |
◆ Cell & Tissue Lysates | ||
FGF2-638HCL | Recombinant Human FGF2 cell lysate | +Inquiry |
Not For Human Consumption!
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