Recombinant Human THRB protein, T7/His-tagged

Cat.No. : THRB-68H
Product Overview : Recombinant human THRB cDNA (461aa, derived from BC106930) fused with 31 aa T7/His/TEV at N-terminal was expressed in E. coli.
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Species : Human
Source : E.coli
Tag : His&T7
Protein Length : 461 a.a.
Form : 0.1 mg/ml, sterile-filtered, in 20 mM pH 8.0 Tris-HCl Buffer, with proprietary formulation of NaCl, KCl, EDTA, arginine, DTT and Glycerol.
Purity : >90% by SDS-PAGE
Applications : 1. As soluble active recombinant protein, may be used for in vitro THRB protein functional study of thyroid hormone pathway regulation.2. As active protein, may be used for EMSA based DNA / protein binding assay.3. As protein substrate for kinase or ubiquitin enzymatic assay.4. As immunogen for specific antibody production.
Storage : Keep at -20centigrade for long term storage. Product is stable at 4 centigrade for at least 7 days.
Gene Name THRB thyroid hormone receptor, beta [ Homo sapiens ]
Official Symbol THRB
Synonyms THRB; thyroid hormone receptor, beta; ERBA2, pituitary resistance to thyroid hormone , PRTH, thyroid hormone receptor, beta (avian erythroblastic leukemia viral (v erb a) oncogene homolog 2) , thyroid hormone receptor, beta (erythroblastic leukemia vir
Gene ID 7068
mRNA Refseq NM_000461
Protein Refseq NP_000452
MIM 190160
UniProt ID P10828
Chromosome Location 3p24.2
Pathway Gene Expression, organism-specific biosystem; Generic Transcription Pathway, organism-specific biosystem; Neuroactive ligand-receptor interaction, organism-specific biosystem; Neuroactive ligand-receptor interaction, conserved biosystem; Nuclear Receptor transcription pathway, organism-specific biosystem; Nuclear Receptors, organism-specific biosystem;
Function DNA binding; enzyme binding; metal ion binding; protein binding; receptor activity; sequence-specific DNA binding; sequence-specific DNA binding transcription factor activity; steroid hormone receptor activity; thyroid hormone receptor activity; transcrip

Not For Human Consumption!


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