Recombinant Human LPA protein, His-tagged

Cat.No. : LPA-7813H
Product Overview : Recombinant Human LPA protein(Asp1719~Arg2038), fused with N-terminal His tag, was expressed in E. coli.
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Species : Human
Source : E.coli
Tag : His
Protein Length : Asp1719~Arg2038
Tag : N-His
Form : 20mM Tris, 150mM NaCl, pH8.0, containing 0.01% sarcosyl and 5% trehalose.
Bio-activity : Lipoprotein, a (Lpa) is a lipoprotein subclass. Lpa is assembled at the hepatocyte cell membrane surface, while other scenarios exist with regard to the location of assembly. It mainly exists in plasma. Lpa contributes to the process of atherogenesis. It also may enhance coagulation by inhibiting the function of tissue factor pathway inhibitor. Lpa carries cholesterol and binds atherogenic proinflammatory oxidized phospholipids as a preferential carrier of oxidized phospholipids in human plasma, which attract inflammatory cells to vessel walls and leads to smooth muscle cell proliferation. Moreover, Lpa also is hypothesized to be involved in wound healing and tissue repair, interacting with components of the vascular wall and extra cellular matrix. Besides, Fibronectin (FN) has been identified as an interactor of Lpa, thus a binding ELISA assay was conducted to detect the interaction of recombinant human Lpa and recombinant human FN. Briefly, Lpa were diluted serially in PBS, with 0.01% BSA (pH 7.4). Duplicate samples of 100μL were then transferred to FN-coated microtiter wells and incubated for 2h at 37°C. Wells were washed with PBST and incubated for 1h with anti-Lpa pAb, then aspirated and washed 3 times. After incubation with HRP labelled secondary antibody, wells were aspirated and washed 3 times. With the addition of substrate solution, wells were incubated 15-25 minutes at 37°C. Finally, add 50μL stop solution to the wells and read at 450nm immediately. The binding activity of Lpa and FN was shown in Figure, and this effect was in a dose dependent manner.
Molecular Mass : 39.1kDa
Endotoxin : <1.0EU per 1mL (determined by the LAL method)
Purity : >99%
Storage : Avoid repeated freeze/thaw cycles. Store at 2-8°C for one month. Aliquot and store at -80°C for 12 months.
Reconstitution : It is recommended that sterile water be added to the vial to prepare a stock solution of 0.2 ug/ul. Centrifuge the vial at 4°C before opening to recover the entire contents.
Gene Name LPA lipoprotein, Lp(a) [ Homo sapiens ]
Official Symbol LPA
Synonyms LPA; lipoprotein, Lp(a); LP; apolipoprotein(a); lp(a); apo(a); antiangiogenic AK38 protein; AK38; APOA;
Gene ID 4018
mRNA Refseq NM_005577
Protein Refseq NP_005568
UniProt ID P08519

Not For Human Consumption!


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