Recombinant Human Interferon, Alpha 1

Cat.No. : IFNA1-5280H
Product Overview : Recombinant Human IFNA1is produced in E. coli.
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Species : Human
Source : E.coli
Tag : Non
Description : At least 23 different variants of IFNA1 areknown. The individual proteins have molecular masses between 19-26 kDa andconsist of proteins with lengths of 156-166 and 172 amino acids. All IFNA1subtypes possess a common conserved sequence region between amino acidpositions 115-151 while the amino-terminal ends are variable. Many IFNA1subtypes differ in their sequences at only one or two positions. Naturallyoccurring variants also include proteins truncated by 10 amino acids at thecarboxy-terminal end.
Form : Lyophilized from a0.2 um filtered solution in PBS, pH 7.4.
Purity : > 96% by SDS-PAGEand HPLC analyses.
Endotoxin Level : Less than 1EU/mL ofrHuIFN-α1b as determined by LAL method.
Biological Activity : Fully biologicallyactive when compared to standard. The specific activity as determined in aviral resistance assay was found to be no less than 1.0 x 108IU/mg.
Reconstitution : We recommend thatthis vial be briefly centrifuged prior to opening to bring the contents tothe bottom. Reconstitute in sterile distilled water or aqueous buffer to aconcentration of 0.1-1.0 mg/mL. Stock solutions should be apportioned intoworking aliquots and stored at ≤20°C. Further dilutions should be made inappropriate buffered solutions.
Storage : This lyophilizedpreparation is stable at 2-8°C, but should be kept at -20°C for long termstorage, preferably desiccated. Upon reconstitution, the preparation is stablefor up to one week at 2-8°C. For maximal stability, apportion thereconstituted preparation into working aliquots and store at -20°C to -80°C.Avoid repeated freeze/thaw cycles.
OfficialSymbol : IFNA1
Gene Name IFNA1 interferon, alpha 1 [ Homosapiens ]
Synonyms IFNA1;interferon, alpha 1; IFL; IFN; IFNA; IFNA13; IFN-ALPHA;MGC138207; MGC138505; MGC138507; IFN-alphaD; interferon alpha-1/13; leIF D;IFN-alpha 1b; IFN-alpha-1/13; interferon-alpha1; OTTHUMP00000021142;interferon alpha-D; interferon alpha 1b
Gene ID 3439
mRNA Refseq NM_024013
Protein Refseq NP_076918
MIM 139250
UniProt ID P01562
Chromosome Location 9p22
Pathway Autoimmune thyroiddisease; Cytokine Signaling in Immune system; Cytokine-cytokine receptorinteraction; Cytosolic DNA-sensing pathway; Factors involved in megakaryocytedevelopment and platelet production; Hemostasis; Hepatitis C; Herpes simplexinfection; IL-2 Signaling Pathway; Immune System; Interferon Signaling

Not For Human Consumption!


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