Recombinant HBV Core Protein

Cat.No. : C-02H
Product Overview : HBcAg subtype adw2 produced in E. coli, is a single, non-glycosylated, polypeptide chain containing 1-149 amino acids. HBcAg adw2 1-149 protamine-like domain was truncated in order to enhance the differentiation of anti-HBe in ELISA test. HBcAg was purified by proprietary chromatographic techniques.
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Species : HBV
Source : E.coli
Protein Length : 1-149 a.a.
Description : Self assembles to form an icosahedral capsid. Most capsid appear to be large particles with an icosahedral symmetry of T=4 and consist of 240 copies of capsid protein, though a fraction forms smaller T=3 particles consisting of 180 capsid proteins. Entering capsid are transported along microtubules to the nucleus. Phosphorylation of the capsid is thought to induce exposure of nuclear localization signal in the C-terminal portion of the capsid protein that allows binding to the nuclear pore complex via the importin (karyopherin-) alpha and beta. Capsids are imported in intact form through the nuclear pore into the nuclear basket, where it probably binds NUP153. Only capsids that contain the mature viral genome can release the viral DNA and capsid protein into the nucleoplasm. Immature capsids get stucked in the basket. Capsids encapsulate the pre-genomic RNA and the P protein. Pre-genomic RNA is reverse transcribed into DNA while the capsid is still in the cytoplasm. The capsid can then either be directed to the nucleus, providing more genome for transcription, or bud through the endoplasmic reticulum to provide new virions.
Molecular Mass : 20 kDa
Purity : > 95 % by SDS-PAGE
Storage : Store at 4 centigrade if entire vial will be used within 2-4 weeks. Store, frozen at -20 centigrade for longer periods of time.
For long term storage it is recommended to add a carrier protein (0.1% HSA or BSA).
Avoid multiple freeze-thaw cycles.
Storage Buffer : Phosphate buffered saline, pH 7.4.
Shipping : Shipped with Ice Packs
Gene Name C capsid protein;pre-capsid protein [ Hepatitis B virus ]
Official Symbol C
Synonyms C; capsid protein;pre-capsid protein; capsid protein;pre-capsid protein; precursor
Gene ID 944568
Protein Refseq YP_009173857
UniProt ID P03146

Not For Human Consumption!


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