• Official Full Name

  • Overview

    Beta-catenin is a transcriptional activator and oncoprotein involved in the development of several cancers. The protein encoded by this gene interacts directly with the C-terminal region of beta-catenin, inhibiting oncogenic beta-catenin-mediated transcriptional activation by competing with transcription factors for binding to beta-catenin. Two transcript variants encoding different isoforms have been found for this gene.
  • Synonyms

    C;chib;C22orf2, chromosome 22 open reading frame 2 , PGEA1, PKD2 interactor, golgi and endoplasmic reticulum associated 1;protein chibby homolog 1;Cby;Chibby;PIGEA 14;PIGEA14;C22orf2;Cytosolic leucine rich protein;HRIHFB2025;PKD2 interactor, Golgi and endoplasmic reticulum-associated 1;Protein Chibby;OTTHUMP00000198875;OTTHUMP00000198876;OTTHUMP00000198878;ARPP-binding protein;coiled-coil protein PIGEA-14;cytosolic leucine-rich protein;PKD2 interactor, golgi and end;arb1;PGEA1;PIGEA-14;HS508I15A

Recombinant Proteins

  • HBV
  • Rat
  • Streptomyces phage phiC31
  • JEV
  • RuV
  • YEV
  • Mouse
  • Human
  • SARS
  • Measles Virus
  • RUBV
  • Dengue
  • DENV
  • HCV
  • HBV-D
  • Hepatitis B virus genotype A2 subtype adw2 (strain Rutter 1979)
  • Hepatitis B virus genotype A2 subtype adw2 (isolate Germany/991/1990)
  • HBV-C
  • Hepatitis B virus genotype C subtype ayr (isolate Human/Japan/Okamoto/-)
  • E.coli
  • Mammalian Cells
  • E.Coli/Yeast
  • P.pastoris
  • HEK293
  • Insect Cells
  • Non
  • His
  • GST
  • SUMO
  • Avi
  • Fc
  • Myc
  • MBP
Cat.# Product name Source (Host) Species Tag Protein Length Price
C -74H Recombinant Hepatitis B Virus C protein E.coli HBV Non 1-149 amino acids
C -75H Recombinant Hepatitis B Virus C protein, His-tagged E.coli HBV His 139 a.a (10-149a.a)
C -76H Recombinant Hepatitis B Virus C protein, His-tagged E.coli HBV His amino acids 1-186
C -77H Recombinant Hepatitis B Virus C protein E.coli HBV Non amino acids 1-144
C -78H Recombinant Hepatitis B Virus C protein, GST-tagged E.coli HBV GST
C-1038R Recombinant Rat C Protein Mammalian Cells Rat His
C-1506S Recombinant Streptomyces phage phiC31 C protein, His-tagged E.Coli/Yeast Streptomyces phage phiC31 His
C-1809J Recombinant JEV C Protein E.coli JEV Non
C-1810R Recombinant RuV (Strain TO-336) C Protein E.coli RuV Non
C-1811Y Recombinant YEV C Protein E.coli YEV Non
C-2556M Recombinant Mouse C Protein Mammalian Cells Mouse His
C-30019TH Recombinant Human C, His-tagged E.coli Human His Full L. 1-126 a.a.
C-313V Recombinant SARS Nucleocapsid core Protein E.coli SARS Non 1-49 a.a.
C-314V Recombinant SARS Nucleocapsid core Protein E.coli SARS Non 340-390 a.a.
C-393V Recombinant Measles Virus Non-Structural C Protein E.coli Measles Virus Non 1-51 a.a.
C-472V Recombinant Rubella Virus Capsid (C) Protein E.coli RUBV Non 1-123 a.a.
C-477V Recombinant SARS Associated Coronavirus Nucleocapsid C Protein E.coli SARS Non
C-485D Recombinant Dengue virus Capsid protein, His-tagged E.coli Dengue His 1-100 a.a.
C-733V Recombinant DENV (Strain New Guinea C) C Protein, His-tagged E.coli DENV His 1-100 a.a.
CDE017 Recombinant HBeAg protein, His-tagged E.coli HBV His 10-149 a.a.
HBcAg-19H Recombinant Hepatitis B Virus C protein P.pastoris HBV Non
HCV-01 Recombinant HCV Core protein, His-tagged E.coli HCV His 1-120 a.a.
HCV-02 Recombinant HCV Core protein E.coli HCV Non 2-192 a.a.
C-01H Recombinant HBV (ayr) Core Protein, His-tagged E.coli HBV His 1-149 a.a.
C-02H Recombinant HBV Core Protein E.coli HBV 1-149 a.a.
C-0837H Recombinant HBV C Protein (Met1-Val149), N-His and SUMO tagged E.coli HBV His&SUMO Met1-Val149
C-0839H Recombinant HBV C Protein (Met1-Val149), C-His tagged E.coli HBV His Met1-Val149
C-0840H Recombinant HBV-D ayw (isolate France/Tiollais/1979) C Protein (Met1-Val149), C-His tagged E.coli HBV-D His Met1-Val149
C-1127M Recombinant Mouse C Protein, His (Fc)-Avi-tagged HEK293 Mouse Avi&Fc&His
C-1127M-B Recombinant Mouse C Protein Pre-coupled Magnetic Beads HEK293 Mouse
C-2928H Recombinant Hepatitis B virus genotype A2 subtype adw2 C protein, His-tagged E.coli Hepatitis B virus genotype A2 subtype adw2 (strain Rutter 1979) His 1-185aa
C-2929H Recombinant Hepatitis B virus genotype A2 subtype adw2 C protein, His-SUMO-tagged E.coli Hepatitis B virus genotype A2 subtype adw2 (strain Rutter 1979) His&SUMO 1-185aa
C-4532H Recombinant Hepatitis B virus genotype A2 subtype adw2 (isolate Germany/991/1990) C protein, His&Myc-tagged E.coli Hepatitis B virus genotype A2 subtype adw2 (isolate Germany/991/1990) His&Myc 1-185aa
C-654H Recombinant HBV-C (isolate China/Tibet127/2002) C protein(1-183aa) Insect Cells HBV-C Non 1-183aa
C-655H Recombinant HBV-C (isolate China/Tibet127/2002) C protein(1-183aa), His-tagged Insect Cells HBV-C His 1-183aa
C-674H Recombinant Hepatitis B virus genotype C subtype ayr (isolate Human/Japan/Okamoto/-) C protein, MBP&His-Avi-tagged, Biotinylated E.coli Hepatitis B virus genotype C subtype ayr (isolate Human/Japan/Okamoto/-) Avi&His&MBP 20-212a.a.
C-696R Recombinant Rat C Protein, His (Fc)-Avi-tagged HEK293 Rat Avi&Fc&His
C-696R-B Recombinant Rat C Protein Pre-coupled Magnetic Beads HEK293 Rat
C-754V Recombinant HBV-C(isolate Japan/A4/1994) C protein(1-183aa), His-tagged E.coli HBV-C His 1-183aa
CCL20-518H Recombinant Human CCL20 Protein, Fc-tagged HEK293 Human Fc 27-96 a.a.
CD200-06H Active Recombinant Human CD200 Protein, His-tagged Insect Cells Human His 211
CD209-03H Recombinant Human CD209 Protein, hIgG/His-tagged Insect Cells Human Fc&His 587
CD47-08H Active Recombinant Human CD47 Protein, His-tagged Insect Cells Human His 129
HBcAg-001 Recombinant HBcAg Protein, ayr subtype, His-tagged E.coli HBV His 1-149 a.a.

    Involved Pathway

    C involved in several pathways and played different roles in them. We selected most pathways C participated on our site, such as Deactivation of the beta-catenin transactivating complex,Signal Transduction,Signaling by Wnt, which may be useful for your reference. Also, other proteins which involved in the same pathway with C were listed below. Creative BioMart supplied nearly all the proteins listed, you can search them on our site.

    Pathway Name Pathway Related Protein
    Deactivation of the beta-catenin transactivating complex ASH2L,SOX9A,PYGO2,TLE4,SOX7,CBY1,SOX4B,TLE2,TLE3B,SOX32
    TCF dependent signaling in response to WNT PYGO2,RYK,SOX32,TNKS,HECW1,CBY1,RSPO4,DACT1,KLHL12,LGR5

    Protein Function

    C has several biochemical functions, for example, beta-catenin binding,identical protein binding. Some of the functions are cooperated with other proteins, some of the functions could acted by C itself. We selected most functions C had, and list some proteins which have the same functions with C. You can find most of the proteins on our site.

    Function Related Protein
    beta-catenin binding PROP1,LEF1,KLF4,TCF7L2,MED12L,VCL,TCF7,SMAD7,DVL3,BCL9
    identical protein binding RAD51,AXIN1,BCL2L1,APOA1,ALDH4A1,ALCAMB,MPST,UBE2G2,ZNF212,PFKL

    Interacting Protein

    C has direct interactions with proteins and molecules. Those interactions were detected by several methods such as yeast two hybrid, co-IP, pull-down and so on. We selected proteins and molecules interacted with C here. Most of them are supplied by our site. Hope this information will be useful for your research of C.




    • Yang, YR; Feng, JD; et al. Immune Responses to a Recombinant Rv0057-Rv1352 Fusion Protein of Mycobacterium tuberculosis. ANNALS OF CLINICAL AND LABORATORY SCIENCE 45:39-48(2015).
    • Khosravi-Farsani, S; Amidi, F; et al. Isolation and Enrichment of Mouse Female Germ Line Stem Cells. CELL JOURNAL 16:406-415(2015).

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