Recombinant HBsAg

Cat.No. : HBsAg-271H
Product Overview : The E.coli derivedRecombinant Hepatitis B Surface Antigen preS2 is a single non-glycosylated polypeptide chain containing 55 amino acids & having a molecular weight of 5.7 kDa.
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Species : HBV
Source : E.coli
Tag : Non
Description : Hepatitis B virus (HBV) is a human pathogen, causing serious liver disease. The HBV surface protein antigens (HBsAg) are comprised of three carboxyl co terminal HBs proteins termed large (LHBs), middle (MHBs) and small (SHBs, also called major) protein. LHBs and MHBs also share the highly hydrophobic, repetitive, membrane spanning S domain. In addition, MHBs has a 55 amino acid region called preS2.
Form : HBsAg protein was lyophilized from 0.2μm filtered (1mg/ml) solution in 20mM PB, pH 7.4 and 50mM NaCl.
Molecular Mass : 5.7 kDa
Purity : HBsAg protein is >95% pure as determined by 10% PAGE (coomassie staining).
Applications : 1. Immunochromatography (capture and conjugate).2. Preparing monoclonal or polyclonal antibodies for HBsAg-preS2. 3. ELISA.
Storage : This lyophilized preparation is stable at 2-8°C, but should be kept at -20°C for long term storage, preferably desiccated. Upon reconstitution, the preparation is stable for up to one week at 2-8°C. For maximal stability, apportion the reconstituted prepa
Reconstitution : Reconstitute in sterile distilled water or aqueous buffer containing 0.1% BSA to a concentration of 0.1-1.0 mg/mL.

Not For Human Consumption!


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What size is the recombinant HBsAg? Is it the L, M or S version of the antigen? 10/15/2023

The HBsAg proteins are generally provided in 100ug, 500ug, and 1mg packing sizes. We can also aliquot based on your specific requirements. Hepatitis B virus (HBV) expresses three types of surface antigens, i.e. S-, M-, and L-protein. L-protein is composed of S-, Pre-S2, and Pre-S1 region. The deletion of Pre-S1 region forms M-protein and further deletion of Pre-S2 region results in S-protein. As the sequence of the below antigens is confidential, we cannot tell that if they are L, M, or S versions.

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