Native Hepatitis Surface Antigen subtype Ay protein

Cat.No. : HBsAg-8H
Product Overview : Native Hepatitis Surface Antigen subtype Ay was prified from Human plasma.
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Species : HBV
Source : Human Plasma
Tag : Non
Form : It is supplied in 20 mM phosphate buffer, pH 7.4 150 mM NaCl, 5% sucrose and 0.015 mM azide in liquid or lyophilized in the same buffer
Purity : >99%
Applications : ELISA, Western
Notes : Bioburden ~<10 CFU/ml.All human derived material has been tested negative for HIV, and HCV. This product is prepared from Hepatitis positive plasma and should be handled as potentially hazardous. It has been heat inactivated at 60 centigrade for 15 hours. Nevertheless, all precautions should be taken and samples be treated as potentially hazardous.
Reconstitution : Reconstitute powder in water at 1 mg/ml. Store at -20 centigrade or below in suitable aliquots.
Shipping : Lyophilized items are shipped at room temp or cold paks and stored at -20 centigrade upon receipt.If supplied in liquid then the items are shipped in cold paks and stored frozen at -20 centigrade or below.

Not For Human Consumption!


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What size is the recombinant HBsAg? Is it the L, M or S version of the antigen? 10/15/2023

The HBsAg proteins are generally provided in 100ug, 500ug, and 1mg packing sizes. We can also aliquot based on your specific requirements. Hepatitis B virus (HBV) expresses three types of surface antigens, i.e. S-, M-, and L-protein. L-protein is composed of S-, Pre-S2, and Pre-S1 region. The deletion of Pre-S1 region forms M-protein and further deletion of Pre-S2 region results in S-protein. As the sequence of the below antigens is confidential, we cannot tell that if they are L, M, or S versions.

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