Recombinant Bovine Transmembrane Protease, Serine 15

Cat.No. : TMPRSS15-5347B
Product Overview : Recombinant BovineTMPRSS15 is a single glycosylated polypeptide chain containing 235 aminoacids. Its molecular weightis 43000 Dalton.
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Species : Bovine
Source : P.pastoris
Tag : Non
Description : TMPRSS15 (alsocalled enterokinase) is an enzyme produced by cells of the duodenum andinvolved in human digestion. It is secreted from intestinal glands (thecrypts of Lieberkühn) following the entry of ingested food passing from thestomach. TMPRSS15 converts trypsinogen (a zymogen) into its active formtrypsin, resulting in the subsequent activation of pancreatic digestiveenzymes. TMPRSS15 is a serine protease (EC consisting of adisulfide-linked 82-140 kDa heavy chain which anchors enterokinase in theintestinal brush border membrane and a 35-62 kDa light chain which containsthe catalytic subunit. TMPRSS15 is a part of the chymotrypsin-clan of serineproteases, and is structurally similar to these proteins.
Form : Liquid sterilefiltered in 50 mM Tris-HCl, pH 8.0 + 0.5 M NaCl + 50% Glycerol.
Molecular Weight : 43.0 kDa
Endotoxin Level : < 0.1 ng/µg
Unit Definition : One unit is definedas the amount of enzyme needed to cleave 50 µg of fusion protein in 16 hoursto 95% completion at 25°C in a buffer containing 25 mM Tris-HCl, pH 7.6 + 50mM NaCl + 2 mM CaCl2.
Storage : Store at -20°C. 1year. Avoid repeated freeze-thaw cycles.
OfficialSymbol : TMPRSS15
Gene Name TMPRSS15 transmembrane protease, serine 15[ Bos taurus ]
Synonyms TMPRSS15;transmembrane protease, serine 15; PRSS7; ENTK; Enterokinase; MGC133046;enterokinase; enteropeptidase; proenterokinase; Enteropeptidase precursor;Serine protease 7; EC; protease, serine, 7; serine protease(enterokinase); protease, serine, 7 (enterokinase)
Gene ID 282009
mRNA Refseq NM_174439
Protein Refseq NP_776864
UniProt ID P98072
Function peptidaseactivity; scavenger receptor activity; serine-type endopeptidase activity

Not For Human Consumption!


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