Native Human TRPM2

Cat.No. : TRPM2-8450H
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Species : Human
Source : Human
Tag : Non
Description : Apoliprotein J (APO-J), also named Clusterin, is a 75-80 kD disulfide-linked heterodimeric protein. The precursor polypeptide chain is cleaved proteolytically to remove the 22-mer secretory signal peptide and subsequently between residues 227/228 to generate the a and b chains. These are assembled in anti-parallel to give a heterodimeric molecule in which the cysteine-rich centers are linked by five disulfide bridges and are flanked by two predicted coiled-coil a-helices and three predicted amphipathic a-helices. Clusterin is up- or down regulated on the mRNA or protein level in many pathological and clinically relevant situations including cancer, organ regeneration, infection, Alzheimer disease, retinitis pigmentosa, myocardial infarction, renal tubular damage, autoimmunity and others.
Form : Sterile filtered and lyophilized from PBS, pH 7.5.
Molecular Mass : 75-80 kDa
Purity : ≥5% by SDS - PAGE; ≥5% by HPLC
Storage : The lyophilized human Apo-J is best-stored desiccated below 0°C. Reconstituted Apo-J should be stored in working aliquots at -20°C.
Reconstitution : Reconstitute in dH2O to a working volume of 0.5 mg/ml and let the lyophilized pellet dissolve completely.
Shipping : Blue ice
Gene Name TRPM2 transient receptor potential cation channel, subfamily M, member 2 [ Homo sapiens ]
Official Symbol TRPM2
Synonyms KNP3; EREG1; TRPC7; LTRPC2; NUDT9H; NUDT9L1; transient receptor potential cation channel subfamily M member 2; LTrpC-2; transient receptor potential channel 7; long transient receptor potential channel 2; estrogen-responsive element-associated gene 1 prot
Gene ID 7226
mRNA Refseq NM_003307
Protein Refseq NP_003298
MIM 603749
UniProt ID O94759
Chromosome Location 21q22.3
Pathway Ion channel transport, organism-specific biosystem; Oxytocin signaling pathway, organism-specific biosystem; Oxytocin signaling pathway, conserved biosystem
Function ADP-ribose diphosphatase activity; calcium channel activity; manganese ion transmembrane transporter activity

Not For Human Consumption!


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