Native Cattle RNASE1 Protein

Cat.No. : RNASE1-392C
Product Overview : Ribonuclease A (commonly abbreviated RNase A) is A single-chain polypeptide with four disulfide bonds and a molecular weight of about 13.7 kDa (amino acid sequence). As an endoribonuclease, it specifically degrades cytosine (C) or uracil (U) residues on single-stranded RNA. Specifically, cleavage recognizes the phosphodiester bond formed by the 5 '-ribose on a nucleotide and the 3' -ribose phosphate group on the adjacent pyrimidine nucleotide, thus hydrolyzing the 2 ', 3 '-cyclic phosphate to the corresponding 3' -nucleoside phosphate (e.g., Pg-pg-pc-pa-pg is cut by RNase A to produce PG-PCP and A PG). RNase A has the highest activity of cutting single-stranded RNA, and the recommended working concentration is 1-100 μg/mL, which is compatible with various reaction systems. Low salt concentrations (0-100 mM NaCl) can be used to cut single-stranded RNA, double-stranded RNA, and RNA strands formed by RNA-DNA hybridization. However, at high salt concentrations (≥0.3 M), RNase A only specifically cuts single-stranded RNA. The most common application of RNase A is the removal of RNA during plasmid DNA or genomic DNA preparation. The presence or absence of DNase enzyme activity during this preparation is one of the concerns. The traditional method of water bath boiling can be used to inactivate DNase activity. In addition, this product can also be used for RNA enzyme protection analysis, RNA sequence analysis and other molecular biology experiments.
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Species : Bovine
Molecular Mass : 13.7 kDa
Storage : Dry and store at -25~-15°C. Valid for 2 years.
Reconstitution : 10 mg/mL RNase A storage solution was prepared using 10 mM sodium acetate (pH5.2).

Not For Human Consumption!


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