Active Recombinant Mouse Ngf

Cat.No. : Ngf-8330M
Product Overview : Recombinant Mouse Ngf was expressed in NSO Cells.
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Species : Mouse
Source : Mammalian Cells
Tag : Non
Description : Nerve growth factor beta (NGFβ/beta-NGF) is a secreted protein of the neurotropin family and is important for the differentiation and survival of neurons and dermal keratinocytes. NGFβ is found in the hypothalamus, pituitary, thyroid gland, testes, epididymis, vascular smooth muscle cells, fibroblasts, mast cells and eosinophils. Glutamate, vitamin D3, IL-6, FGF basic, astrocyte specific IL-1, TNF alpha, PDGF and TGF beta up-regulate while GABAergic neuronal activity, glucocorticoids and Schwann cell-specific TGF beta down-regulate NFGβ. Signaling by NFGβ occurs through two receptors: TrKs and NGF receptor. It enhances the growth and differentation of B lymphocytes and also has a possible role in allergy and tissue repair.
Form : This recombinant protein was 0.2 μm filtered and lyophilized from modified Dulbecco's phosphate buffered saline (1X PBS) pH 7.2 – 7.3 with no calcium, magnesium, or preservatives.
Bio-activity : The biological activity of Mouse β-NGF was determined by in a cell proliferation assay using a factor-dependent human erythroleukemic cell line, TF-1. The expected ED50 for this effect is typically 0.3 - 1 ng/ml.
Molecular Mass : The predicted molecular weight of Recombinant Mouse β-NGF is Mr 13.5 kDa.
AA Sequence : tapiaarvtg qtrnitvdpr lfkkrrlhsp rvlfstqppp tssdtldldf qahgtipfnr thrskrssth pvfhmgefsv cdsvsvwvgd kttatdikgk evtvlaevni nnsvfrqyff
Endotoxin : <1.0 eu/μg="" as="" determined="" by="" the="" lal="">
Purity : >95% by SDS-PAGE and analyzed by silver stain.
Storage : This lyophilized protein is stable for six to twelve months when stored desiccated at -20°C to -70°C. After aseptic reconstitution, this protein may be stored at 2°C to 8°C for one month or at -20°C to -70°C in a manual defrost freezer. Avoid Repeated Freeze Thaw Cycles.
Gene Name Ngf nerve growth factor [ Mus musculus ]
Official Symbol Ngf
Synonyms NGF; nerve growth factor; beta-nerve growth factor; beta-NGF; nerve growth factor, beta; Ngfb;
Gene ID 18049
mRNA Refseq NM_001112698
Protein Refseq NP_001106168
Pathway ARMS-mediated activation, organism-specific biosystem; Activation of TRKA receptors, organism-specific biosystem; Apoptosis, organism-specific biosystem; Apoptosis, conserved biosystem; Apoptosis signaling pathway, organism-specific biosystem; Axonal growth stimulation, organism-specific biosystem; Cell death signalling via NRAGE, NRIF and NADE, organism-specific biosystem;
Function growth factor activity; nerve growth factor receptor binding; receptor binding; receptor signaling protein activity;

Not For Human Consumption!


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