Active Native Human Luteinizing Hormone

Cat.No. : LH-839H
Product Overview : Native Human Luteinizing Hormone was purified from Human Pituitary Gland.
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Species : Human
Source : Human Pituitary Gland
Tag : Non
Description : Luetinzing Hormone (LH) also known as lutropin is a heterodimeric glycoprotein. Each monomeric unit is a glycoprotein molecule; one alpha and one beta subunit make the full, functional protein. Luteinizing Hormone is essential for reproduction in both males and females.According to Labtest online: LH is often used in conjunction with other tests (FSH, testosterone, estradiol and progesterone) in the workup of infertility in both men and women. Luteinizing Hormone levels are also useful in the investigation of menstrual irregularities and to aid in the diagnosis of pituitary disorders or diseases involving the ovaries or testes.In children, FSH and LH are used to diagnose delayed and precocious (early) puberty.Luteinzing Hormone is sometimes measured in relation to gonadotropin releasing hormone (GnRH) to distinguish between primary or secondary disorders involving the hypothalamus, pituitary gland, or the gonads. GnRH is the hormone produced by the hypothalamus that stimulates the pituitary to release LH and FSH. For this test, a baseline blood sample is drawn and then the patient is given an injection of GnRH. Subsequent blood samples are drawn at specified times and the level of LH is measured. This test can help differentiate between disease of the ovaries or testes (primary) and a disorder of the pituitary or hypothalamus (secondary).
Form : Lyophilized from 50mM Ammonium Bicarbonate
Bio-activity : >8,500 IU/mg (Accubind ELISA)
Molecular Mass : ~29,000
Purity : ≥98% (SDS-PAGE)
Applications : Research, Life Science, Diagnostic Manufacturing, ELISA
Storage : 2-8 °C
Reconstitution : Reconstitute using neutral pH buffer of choice. Avoid extreme high and low pH

Not For Human Consumption!


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