Recombinant Human MECP2, GST-tagged

Cat.No. : MECP2-273H
Product Overview : Recombinant Human MECP2 (78-162 a.a.) fused with GST-tag at N-terminal, was expressed in E. coli expression system..
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Species : Human
Source : E.coli
Tag : GST
Protein Length : 78-162 a.a.
Description : DNA methylation is the major modification of eukaryotic genomes and plays an essential role in mammalian development. Human proteins MECP2, MBD1, MBD2, MBD3, and MBD4 comprise a family of nuclear proteins related by the presence in each of a methyl-CpG binding domain (MBD). Each of these proteins, with the exception of MBD3, is capable of binding specifically to methylated DNA. MECP2, MBD1 and MBD2 can also repress transcription from methylated gene promoters. In contrast to other MBD family members, MECP2 is X-linked and subject to X inactivation. MECP2 is dispensible in stem cells, but is essential for embryonic development. MECP2 gene mutations are the cause of most cases of Rett syndrome, a progressive neurologic developmental disorder and one of the most common causes of mental retardation in females.
Molecular Mass : 36 kDa
Applications : Useful for the study of DNA binding, screening inhibitors, and selectivity profiling.
Formulated in : 45 mM Tris-HCl, pH 8.0, 124 mM NaCl, 2.2 mM KCl, 18 mM glutathione, 10% glycerol and 3 mM DTT.
Storage : >6 months at –80°C
OfficialSymbol : MECP2
Gene Name MECP2 methyl CpG binding protein 2 (Rett syndrome) [ Homo sapiens ]
Synonyms MECP2; methyl CpG binding protein 2 (Rett syndrome); mental retardation, X linked 16 , mental retardation, X linked 79; MRX16; MRX79; RTT; methyl-CpG-binding protein 2
Gene ID 4204
mRNA Refseq NM_004992
Protein Refseq NP_004983
MIM 300005
UniProt ID P51608
Chromosome Location Xq28
Pathway SIDS Susceptibility Pathways
Function DNA binding; double-stranded methylated DNA binding; protein N-terminus binding; protein binding; protein domain specific binding

Not For Human Consumption!


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