Recombinant Human DHH cell lysate

Cat.No. : DHH-469HCL
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Species : Human
Tag : Non
Description : This gene encodes a member of the Hedgehog family. The hedgehog gene family encodes signaling molecules that play an important role in regulating morphogenesis. This protein is predicted to be made as a precursor that is autocatalytically cleaved; the N-terminal portion is soluble and contains the signalling activity while the C-terminal portion is involved in precursor processing. More importantly, the C-terminal product covalently attaches a cholesterol moiety to the N-terminal product, restricting the N-terminal product to the cell surface and preventing it from freely diffusing throughout the organism. Defects in this protein have been associated with partial gonadal dysgenesis (PGD) accompanied by minifascicular polyneuropathy. This protein may be involved in both male gonadal differentiation and perineurial development.
Size : 100 ul
Storage Buffer : 1X Sample Buffer (50 mM Tris-HCl, 2% SDS, 10% glycerol, 300 mM 2-mercaptoethanol, 0.01% Bromophenol blue)
Applications : Western Blot;
Gene Name DHH desert hedgehog [ Homo sapiens ]
Official Symbol DHH
Synonyms DHH; desert hedgehog; desert hedgehog (Drosophila) homolog; desert hedgehog protein; HHG 3; MGC35145; mutant desert hedgehog; desert hedgehog homolog; GDXYM; HHG-3; SRXY7;
Gene ID 50846
mRNA Refseq NM_021044
Protein Refseq NP_066382
MIM 605423
UniProt ID O43323
Chromosome Location 12q13.1
Pathway Class B/2 (Secretin family receptors), organism-specific biosystem; GPCR ligand binding, organism-specific biosystem; Hedgehog Signaling Pathway, organism-specific biosystem; Hedgehog signaling pathway, organism-specific biosystem; Hedgehog signaling pathway, conserved biosystem; Signal Transduction, organism-specific biosystem; Signaling by GPCR, organism-specific biosystem;
Function calcium ion binding; peptidase activity; protein binding; zinc ion binding;

Not For Human Consumption!


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