Recombinant Human CDX1 Protein, T7-His-TEV-tagged

Cat.No. : CDX1-488H
Product Overview : Full-length human CDX1 cDNA (264 aa) was constructed with codon optimization using gene synthesis technology and expressed with a small T7-His-TEV cleavage site Tag (31aa) fusion at its N-terminal. It was expressed in E. coli as inclusion bodies.
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Species : Human
Source : E.coli
Tag : His&T7
Description : This gene is a member of the caudal-related homeobox transcription factor gene family. The encoded DNA-binding protein regulates intestine-specific gene expression and enterocyte differentiation. It has been shown to induce expression of the intestinal alkaline phosphatase gene, and inhibit beta-catenin/T-cell factor transcriptional activity.
Form : Liquid
Molecular Mass : 31.4 kD
Purity : > 93% by SDS-PAGE
Applications : 1. May be used for in vitro CDX1 mediated gene transcription regulation study in activated KRAS-mediated transcriptional activation of PRKD1 pathway for intestinal cells by intracellular delivery of this recombinant CDX1 protein with protein delivery reagent such as ProFectin reagent kit.
2. May be used for mapping CDX1 protein-protein interaction.
3. May be used as specific substrate protein for kinase, and ubiquitin (Sumo pathway) related enzyme functional screening assays.
4. Potential biomarker protein for colorectal cancer or gastric cancer diagnosis.
5. As native human CDX1 antigen for specific antibody production.
Storage : Keep at -80 centigrade for long term storage. Product is stable at 4 centigrade for at least two weeks.
Concentration : 0.5 mg/mL
Storage Buffer : 20 mM pH 8.0 Tris-HCl Buffer, with proprietary formulation of NaCl, KCl, EDTA, Sucrose, DTT and others.
Gene Name CDX1 caudal type homeobox 1 [ Homo sapiens (human) ]
Official Symbol CDX1
Synonyms CDX1; caudal type homeobox 1; homeobox protein CDX-1; caudal type homeo box transcription factor 1; caudal type homeobox transcription factor 1; caudal-type homeobox protein 1; caudal-type homeobox protein CDX1
Gene ID 1044
mRNA Refseq NM_001804
Protein Refseq NP_001795
MIM 600746
UniProt ID P47902

Not For Human Consumption!


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