Recombinant HIV HIVI protein, His-tagged
Cat.No. : | HIVI-174H |
Product Overview : | The E.coli derived 36kDa recombinant protein is a non-glycosylated polypeptide chain, containing the HIV-1 immunodominant regions from the pol protein (intergrase) and fused with a six histidines tag. |
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Species : | HIV |
Source : | E.coli |
Tag : | His |
Description : | Integrase is an enzyme produced by the HIV which enables its genetic material to be integrated into the DNA of the infected cell and is a key component in the pre-integration complex. HIV integrase contains 3 domains, an N-terminal HH-CC zinc fingerdomainwhich is partially responsible for multimerization, a central catalytic domain and a C-terminal domain. Both Central catalytic domain and C-terminal domains have been shown to bind both viral and cellular DNA. No crystal structure data exists with Integrase bound to its DNA substrates. HIV-1 integrase functions as a dimeror a tetramer. Additionally, several host cellular proteins interact with integrase and may facilitate the integration process. |
Form : | Sterile filtered colorless clear solution. 1.5M urea, 25mM Tris-HCl pH 8.0, 0.2% Triton-X & 50% Glycerol. |
Molecular Mass : | 36kDa |
AA sequence : | mfldgidkaqeehekyhsnwramasdfnlppvvakeivascdkcqlkgeamhgqvdcspgiwqldcthlegkvilvavhvasgyieaevipaetgqetayfilklagrwpvktihtdngsnftsttvkaacwwagikqefgipynpqsqgviesmnkelkkiigqvrdqaehlktavqmavfihnfkrkggiggysagerivdiiatdiqtkelqkqitkiqnfrvyyrdsrdplwkgpakllwkgegavviqdnsdikvvprrkakiirdygkqmagddcvasrqdedhhhhhh. |
Purity : | Greater than 95.0% as determined by SDS-PAGE. |
Applications : | HIV-1 Integrase antigen is suitable for ELISA and Western blots, excellent antigen for early detection of HIV seroconvertors with minimal specificity problems. |
Usage : | The products are furnished for LABORATORY RESEARCH USE ONLY. The product may not be used as drugs, agricultural or pesticidal products, food additives or household chemicals. |
Stability : | HIV-1 Integrase although stable at 4°C for 1 week, should be stored below -18°C. Please prevent freeze thaw cycles. |
Specificity : | Immunoreactive with all sera of HIV-1 infected individuals. |
Shipping : | Ice Packs |
◆ Recombinant Proteins | ||
HIVI-174H | Recombinant HIV HIVI protein, His-tagged | +Inquiry |
Not For Human Consumption!
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