Native Human Transferrin

Cat.No. : TF-391H
Product Overview : Native human TF was expressedin Human plasma,which having a molecule weight of 77 kDa.
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Species : Human
Source : Human Plasma
Tag : Non
Description : TFis a monomeric glycoprotein found in plasma at an average concentration of 250mg/100 ml. The Holo form of TF is iron saturated and also calledSiderophilin. The specific iron-binding protein in plasma, it has a role inthe transportation and distribution of iron among the body organs, in ironmetabolism and prevention of iron loss via the kidneys. Stored in bone marrowas Tf-bound iron, it also possesses bacteriostatic and fungistatic activity.Clinically, decreases in TF are observed in congenital disorders, newborns,inflammatory diseases, hypoproteinemias and nephrotic syndrome; increases arefound in pregnancy, iron-deficiency anemias, and inoculation hepatitis. TF isrequired by all types of cells in cultures for maximal growth. It is,therefore, an important transport factor used in defined culture media. Eachhuman transferring molecule has the ability to carry two iron ions in theferric form (Fe3+). Dissolves in water at 10 mg per ml. Prepared from plasmashown to be non reactive for HbsAG, anti-HCV, anti-HBc, and negative foranti-HIV 1 & 2 by FDA approved tests.
Form : Lyophilized power -Buffer: Ammonium Bicarbonate; pH 7.2.
Molecule Weight : 77 kDa
Concentration : Lyophilized
Purity : >95% by SDS-PAGEanalysis
Storage : When stored at-80°C, product is stable for 3 years from date of delivery. Avoid repeated freeze-thawcycles.
Pathways : EPHBforward signaling; HIF-1-alpha transcription factor network; Hemostasis; Ironuptake and transport; Mineral absorption; Platelet activation; Plateletdegranulation; Response to elevated platelet cytosolic Ca2+; Transferrinendocytosis and recycling; Transmembrane transport of small molecules
Gene Name TF transferrin [ Homo sapiens]
Official Symbol TF
Synonyms TF; transferrin; TFQTL1;PRO1557; PRO2086; Transferrin; serotransferrin; DKFZp781D0156; siderophilin;OTTHUMP00000197155; beta-1 metal-binding globulin; Beta-1 metal-bindingglobulin; EC 3.4.21
Gene ID 7018
mRNA Refseq NM_001063
Protein Refseq NP_001054
MIM 190000
UniProt ID P02787
Chromosome Location 3q22.1
Function ferriciron binding; metal ion binding; protein binding; ubiquitin protein ligasebinding

Not For Human Consumption!


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