Native Clostridium histolyticum Cysteine (C41, heavy chain)

Cat.No. : Cysteine-01C
Product Overview : Clostripain is a heterodimer. The mature chain is composed of 526 residues. The two chains are held together by strong noncovalent forces. The catalytic sulfhydryl residue of the active site is believed to be Cys41 (heavy chain residue). The precursor contains a 27 amino acid putative signal peptide, a 23 amino acid propeptide, a 131 amino acid light chain subunit, a 9 amino acid linker peptide, and a 336 amino acid heavy chain subunit.
Clostripain selectively hydrolyzes arginyl bonds and lysyl bonds at a lower rate. It can also act as a transpeptidase with maximal activity at pH 7.6-9.0.
Isoelectric point: 4.8-4.9
Extinction Coefficient:
87,890 cm-1 M-1 (Theoretical)
E1%,280= 16.57 (Theoretical)
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Species : Clostridium histolyticum
Description : Clostripain (Endoproteinase-Arg-C) is a two chain proteinase associated with collagenase and isolated from Clostridium histolyticum. It is highly specific for the carboxyl peptide bond of arginine. Clostripain has a sulfhydryl requirement; it is activated by dithiothreitol, cysteine, or other sulfhydryl containing reagents. The presence of calcium ions is essential. The enzyme is inhibited by oxidizing agents and sulfhydryl reactants and by Co2+, Cu2+, Cd2+, and heavy metal ions. Citrate, borate, and Tris anions are less inhibitory.
Molecular Mass : 53.0 kDa (Theoretical)
Light chain: 12.5 kDa
Heavy chain: 45 kDa
Unit Definition : One Unit hydrolyzes one micromole of N-benzoyl-L-arginine ethyl ester per minute at 25 centigrade, pH 7.6, in the presence of dithiothreitol.
Applications : Peptide mapping
Sequence analysis
Cell isolation
Hydrolysis/condensation of amide bonds
Peptide synthesis
Official Symbol Clostripain
Synonyms Clostripain; cloSI; EC:; Clostridiopeptidase B; Clostripain light chain; Clostripain heavy chain; 9028-00-6
UniProt ID P09870

Not For Human Consumption!


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