Species : |
Human |
Tag : |
Non |
Enzyme Unit : |
Each ampoule contains 10 International Units (by definition). (This unitage was assigned on the basis that the International Unit is represented by 1 microgram of the pure subunit preparation). |
Usage : |
For practical purposes each ampoule contains the same amount of the same materials. Dissolve all the contents in a known amount of buffer solution. No attempt should be made to weigh portions of the freeze-dried powder. For economy of use the solution can be kept for several months if an anti- bacterial preservative is added and the solution is subdivided into several small containers, which are frozen rapidly to below -70°C and then stored below -30°C in the dark; repeated freezing and thawing should be avoided. If extensive dilutions are prepared, a carrier protein (0.1% w/v) should be added, which is free of peptidase. The material has not been sterilized and contains no bacteriostat. |
Notes : |
This preparation is not for administration to humans. The preparation contains material of human origin, and either the final product or the source materials, from which it is derived, have been tested and found negative for HBsAg, anti-HIV and HCV RNA. However, as with all preparations of human origin, this material cannot be assumed to be free from infectious agents. The container and its contents should be used and discarded according to your own laboratory procedures. Such procedures probably will include the wearing of protective gloves and avoiding the generation of aerosols. Care should be exercised in opening the container to avoid cuts. |
Storage : |
Unopened ampoules should be stored at -20°C. Please note: because of the inherent stability of lyophilized material, Creative Biomart may ship these materials at ambient temperature. |