Human Protein C (Plasma) Reference standard

Cat.No. : PROC-176H
Product Overview : The reference Standard for Protein C, Plasma, Human, consists of ampoules, containing approximately 1 mL aliquots of normal human plasma, freeze-dried.
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Species : Human
Tag : Non
Usage : No attempt should be made to weigh out any portion of the freeze-dried material prior to reconstitution. To reconstitute, allow ampoules to warm to room temperature. Open ampoule following direction given in section 6 of this Instruction for Use, taking care to ensure that all material is in the lower part, and reconstitute with 1.0 mL distilled water. Stand for 10 minutes at room temperature to allow complete disssolution of the material before use. Transfer the reconstituted Standard to a plastic tube and keep on melting ice. Under these conditions the Standard has been found to be sufficiently stable to be used over a four hour period. Storage of the reconstituted Standard under different conditions must be validated locally by users.
Notes : This preparation is not for administration to humans. The material is not of human or bovine origin. As with all materials of biological origin, this preparation should be regarded as potentially hazardous to health. It should be used and discarded according to your own laboratorys safety procedures. Such safety procedures should include the wearing of protective gloves and avoiding the generation of aerosols. Care should be exercised in opening ampoules or vials, to avoid cuts.
Stability : Reference materials are held at Creative Biomart within assured, temperature- controlled storage facilities. Reference Materials should be stored on receipt as indicated on the label. Accelerated degradation studies, which involves potency estimation of ampoules stored at elevated temperatures relative to ampoules stored at below -150°C, have indicated that the standard is very stable, when stored at -20°C or below. Predicted loss over one year whilst stored at - 20°C is less than 0.01% for all measured parameters. These studies have shown that the assigned values will remain valid until the material is withdrawn or replaced. Users who have data supporting any deterioration in the characteristics of any reference preparation are encouraged to contact Creative Biomart.
Storage : Unopened ampoules should be stored in the dark at or below –20°C. Please note: because of the inherent stability of lyophilized material, Creative Biomart may ship these materials at ambient temperature.
Gene Name PROC protein C (inactivator of coagulation factors Va and VIIIa) [ Homo sapiens ];
Official Symbol PROC
Synonyms PC; APC; PROC1; THPH3; THPH4; vitamin K-dependent protein C; prepro-protein C; autoprothrombin IIA; anticoagulant protein C; blood coagulation factor XIV
Gene ID 5624
mRNA Refseq NM_000312
Protein Refseq NP_000303
MIM 612283
UniProt ID P04070
Chromosome Location 2q13-q14
Pathway Common Pathway, organism-specific biosystem; Formation of Fibrin Clot (Clotting Cascade), organism-specific biosystem; Removal of aminoterminal propeptides from gamma-carboxylated proteins, organism-specific biosystem
Function calcium ion binding; protein binding; serine-type endopeptidase activity

Not For Human Consumption!


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