Human Low Density Lipoproteins

Cat.No. : LDL-1537H
Product Overview : Human low density lipoproteins(LDL) is isolated from fresh human plasma containing EDTA and sodium citrate by sequential isopycnic ultracentrifugation at the lower and upper density limits of the specified density range. Density adjustments are performed with solid KBr. LDL is washed by centrifugation at the upper density limit to ensure removal of higher density proteins. LPL is filtered through a 0.45 µm filter and packaged aseptically.
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Species : Human
Source : Human Plasma
Tag : Non
Form : Human low density lipoproteins (LDL) in 2 ml of 0.15M NaCl, 0.01% EDTA, pH 7.2.
Purity : > 98%
Specifications : The identity and purity of each preparation is verified by agarose electrophoresis using Fat Red 7B staining for lipids. The density range is 1019 - 1063 g/ml. Protein is determined by BCA* Method using 1% SDS with bovine serum albumin as the standard. This method was found to give comparable results to the Lowry Method.
Storage : Store product at 2-8°C. Do not freeze. Freezing maycause denaturation.
Note : It is suggested that the product should be left in 0.15M NaCl-0.01% EDTA solution, pH 7.2 and sealed under nitrogen or argon after each usage to prevent aggregation and oxidation.
IntroductionLDL particles vary in size and density, and studies have shown that a pattern that has more small dense LDL particles, called Pattern B, equates to a higher risk factor for coronary heart disease (CHD) than does a pattern with more of the larger and less dense LDL particles (Pattern A). This is because the smaller particles are more easily able to penetrate the endothelium. Pattern I, for intermediate, indicates that most LDL particles are very close in size to the normal gaps in the endothelium (26 nm).[citation needed] According to one study, sizes 19.0 to 20.5 nm were designated as pattern B and LDL sizes 20.6–22 nm were designated as pattern A.
KeywordsLDL; Low density lipoproteins

Not For Human Consumption!


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