Human High Density Lipoproteins

Cat.No. : HDL-1538H
Product Overview : Human high density lipoproteins (HDL)is isolated from fresh human serum, filtered and packaged aseptically.
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Species : Human
Source : Human Serum
Tag : Non
Description : HDL is often contrasted with low-density or LDL cholesterol or LDL-C. HDL particles are able to remove cholesterol from within artery atheroma[citation needed] and transport it back to the liver for excretion or re-utilization. Those with higher levels of HDL-C seem to have fewer problems with cardiovascular diseases, while those with low HDL-C cholesterol levels (less than 40 mg/dL or about 1 mmol/L) have increased rates for heart disease. While higher HDL levels are correlated with cardiovascular health, no incremental increase in HDL has been proven to improve health.
Additional Tests : HDL Cholesterol: 1100 mg/dl; Total Cholesterol: 1232 mg/dl; Triglycerides: 414 mg/dl; pH: 7.4; Protein: 2.9 g/ml; Potassium: 5.1 meq/l; Sodium: 148 meq/l; Calcium 6.5 mg/dl; Chloride: 130 meq/l; Phosphorus: 3.6 mg/dl
Storage : Store at -40°C to -70°C. For short term storage, store at -20°C. for up to three months. To thaw product, place in a 37°C water bath.
IntroductionHDL is the smallest of the lipoprotein particles. They are the densest because they contain the highest proportion of protein to cholesterol. Their most abundant apolipoproteins are apo A-I and apo A-II.The liver synthesizes these lipoproteins as complexes of apolipoproteins and phospholipid, which resemble cholesterol-free flattened spherical lipoprotein particles. They are capable of picking up cholesterol, carried internally, from cells by interaction with the ATP-binding cassette transporter A1 (ABCA1).
keywordshigh density lipoproteins, HDL

Not For Human Consumption!


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