EZH1 Chemiluminescent Assay Kit

Cat.No. : Kit-1722
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Size : 96 reactions
Description : The EZH1 Chemiluminescent Assay Kit is designed to measure activity of the EZH1 complex (EZH1/EED/SUZ12/RbAp48/AEBP) for screening and profiling purposes. The key to the EZH1 Chemiluminescent Assay Kit is a highly specific antibody that recognizes methylated Histone H3K27. With this kit, only three simple steps on a microtiter plate are required for methyltransferase detection. First, Sadenosylmethionine is incubated with a sample containing assay buffer and methyltransferase enzyme for one hour. Next, primary antibody is added. Finally, the plate is treated with an HRPlabeled secondary antibody followed by addition of the HRP substrate to produce chemiluminescence that can then be measured using a chemiluminescence reader.
Applications : Great for studying enzyme kinetics and HTS applications.
Storage : One year from date of receipt when stored as directed.
Kit Components : EZH1/EED/SUZ12/RbAp48/AEBP2: 15 µg; -80°C400 µM S-adenosylmethionine: 250 µl; -80°C Primary antibody 6: 25 µl; -80°C Secondary HRP-labeled antibody 2: 10 µl; -80°C 4x HMT assay buffer 2: 3 ml; -20°C Blocking buffer: 50 ml; +4°C HRP chemiluminescent substrate A (translucent bottle): 6 ml; +4°C HRP chemiluminescent substrate B (brown bottle): 6 ml; +4°C 96-well plate precoated with histone substrate: 1 plate; +4°C

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