Bovine Blood Coagulation Factor Xa Reference standard

Cat.No. : F10-56B
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Species : Bovine
Tag : Non
Enzyme Unit : Each vial of Blood Coagulation Factor Xa, Bovine contains 1.0 unit. The biological activity of this preparation in various assays systems has not yet been extensively studied. It is claimed that the material gives a linear relationship between clotting time and log concentration in the dilution range 1:2 to 1:100, and gives parallel lines against a preparation of human factor Xa.
Usage : No attempt should be made to weigh out any portion of the freeze-dried material prior to reconstitution. The total contents of the ampoule should be reconstituted at room temperature with 1.0 mL distilled water, dissolved by gentle swirling and transferred immediately to a plastic tube. No attempt should be made to weigh out any portion of the freeze-dried material. The reconstituted standard should be used as soon as possible and should be kept at 4°C during assays.
Notes : This preparation is not for administration to humans. The material is of bovine origin. The material is certified to be obtained from animals taken from a closed herd in the female line since 1980, in which no animal has been clinically suspected of having BSE & which has not been fed rations containing ruminant derived protein during that period. As with all materials of biological origin, this preparation should be regarded as potentially hazardous to health. It should be used and discarded according to your own laboratorys safety procedures. Such safety procedures should include the wearing of protective gloves and avoiding the generation of aerosols. Care should be exercised in opening ampoules or vials, to avoid cuts.
Stability : Reference materials are held at Creative Biomart within assured, temperature- controlled storage facilities. Reference Materials should be stored on receipt as indicated on the label.
Storage : The recommended storage temperature is -20 °C or below. At this temperature the percentage loss of activity was found to be less than 0.02% of the original. For use, dissolve the total contents of the vial in 1.0ml distilled water, transfer to a plastic container and use as soon as possible. No attempt should be made to weigh out any portion of the freeze dried material. The diluent recommended for use is 1% pure bovine serum albumin in 0.02 M tris buffer, adjusted to 7.5 with maleic acid. Please note: because of the inherent stability of lyophilized material, Creative Biomart may ship these materials at ambient temperature.

Not For Human Consumption!


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