Active Recombinant Mouse Endothelin Converting Enzyme 1, His-tagged

Cat.No. : Ece1-422M
Product Overview : Recombinant Mouse Ece1is expressed in Chinese Hamster Ovary cell line, which has a molecule weight of78 kDa. Gln89 ­ Trp769, with a N­terminal 6­Histag.
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Species : Mouse
Source : CHO
Tag : His
Description : Endothelin­convertingenzymes (ECEs) hydrolyze a specific peptide bond of big endothelins to produceactive endothelins, some of the most potent vasoconstrictors known. Ece1 is amember of the M13 zinc metallopeptidase family. Other members of the M13 familyinclude thermolysin, neprilysin, Kell, and ECE­2. M13 metallopeptidases can bedistinguished from other metallopeptidases by their sensitivity to inhibitionby phosphoramidon. Ece1 displays pronounced Ph dependence in its substrate specificity.The degradation of Substance P by Ece1 in endosomes regulates β­arrestin­dependentERK­2 signaling to prevent cell death in some neuronal cells. Four isoforms ofEce1 are present in humans and mice, all of which encode a Type II integral membraneprotein. The four isoforms share a common extracellular catalytic domain, differingin their N­terminal cytoplasmic tail regions. The recombinant mouse Ece1 transmembraneand cytoplasmic tail domains were replaced with a signal sequence, resulting inthe secretion of the soluble catalytic ectodomain.
Form : Supplied as a 0.2 μmfiltered solution in Tris, NaCl and ZnCl2.
N-terminal Sequence : Gln89
Molecular Weight : 78 kDa
Activity : Measured by its abilityto cleave the fluorogenic peptide substrate. The specific activity is > 2,250pmoles/min/μg, as measured under the described conditions. See Activity AssayProtocol.
Purity : >90%, by SDS­PAGEunder reducing conditions and visualized by silver stain.
Endotoxin Level : <1.0 EU per 1 μg ofthe protein by the LAL method.
Storage : Use a manual defrostfreezer and avoid repeated freeze­thaw cycles. 6 months from date of receipt,­70 °C as supplied. 3 months, ­70 °C under sterile conditions after opening.
OfficialSymbol : Ece1
Gene Name Ece1 endothelin converting enzyme1 [ Mus musculus ]
Synonyms Ece1; endothelin convertingenzyme 1; ECE-1; ECE-1a; ECE-1b; ECE-1d; AW322500; endothelin-converting enzyme1; endothelin-converting enzyme-1a; endothelin-converting enzyme-1b; endothelin-convertingenzyme-1d; EC; EC 3.4.24; OTTHUMP00000002724; OTTHUMP00000002725; OTTHUMP00000002726;OTTHUMP00000002727; OTTHUMP00000235323
Gene ID 230857
mRNA Refseq NM_199307
Protein Refseq NP_955011
UniProt ID Q4PZA2
Chromosome Location 4 D3; 4
Pathway SIDS Susceptibility Pathways
Function endopeptidase activity;hydrolase activity; metal ion binding; metalloendopeptidase activity; metallopeptidaseactivity; peptidase activity; protein homodimerization activity

Not For Human Consumption!


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