Cat.No. : TFI-P1007H
Product Overview : Duplexprotein drug that TFI was fused with tumor necrosis factor receptor 2 andinterleukin-1 receptor antagonist by Fc fragment of human IgG protein.
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Species : Human
Source : CHO
Tag : Non
Description : Therole of TNF in inflammatory diseases has been well established. TNFRII fusedto human IgG1 Fc fragment (trade name Enbrel) has been used for treatingcertain TNF-dependent disorders such as rheumatoid arthritis and psoriasis.Since TNF alpha and IL-1 are two major players in inflammatory diseases, afusion or chimeric of a TNF antagonist and an IL-1ra or its functionalequivalent can be used to block both TNF alpha and IL-1 pathways, andtherefore can be used to treat acute and chronic inflammation-related diseasesmore effectively than each individually. IL-1ra binds to IL-1 receptors anddirects the fused therapeutic agent to IL-1 receptor-rich inflammation site.It also neutralizes IL-1 activity. The fusion of IL-1ra and any of theseproteins can be used in treating inflammation, asthma, andangiogenesis-related disorders or endothelial cell proliferation-relateddisorders.
Purity : >95%as determined by SDS-PAGE and HPLC
Endotoxin : <1.0EU per 10 mg protein as determined by the LAL method
Stability : Samplesare stable for up to six months from date of receipt at -20℃ and are stable fortwo months at 4℃.
Molecular Mass : TFIcontains 619 amino acid residues, monomer molecular weight is about 68kDa,double body weight is about 136kDa.
Predicted N terminal : LPAQVAFTPY
Formulation : Normally1mM PB, 80mM Sodium Chloride and 0.05 mg/ml Tween-80 are added, pH 7.4.
Storage : Store itunder sterile conditions at -70℃upon receiving. Recommend to pack the protein intosmaller quantities for optimal storage. Avoid repeated freeze-thaw cycles.
IntroductionA tumor necrosisfactor receptor (TNFR), or death receptor, is a trimeric cytokine receptorthat binds tumor necrosis factors (TNF). The receptor cooperates with anadaptor protein (such as TRADD, TRAF, RIP), which is important in determiningthe outcome of the response. The interleukin-1 receptor antagonist (IL-1RA) is a protein that in humans isencoded by the IL1RN gene. IL-1RA wasinitially called the IL-1 inhibitor and was discovered separately in 1984 bytwo independent laboratories. IL-1RA,is an agent that binds non-productively to the cell surface interleukin-1receptor (IL-1R).IL-1R is the same receptor that binds interleukin 1 (IL-1). Hence IL-1RA prevents IL-1 fromsending a signal to that cell.
KeywordsIL1RN;interleukin 1 receptor antagonist; DIRA; ICIL-1RA; IL-1RN; IL-1ra; IL-1ra3;TNFRII-Fc; TNF; tumor necrosis factor

Not For Human Consumption!


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