Recombinant Mouse Epidermal Growth Factor, His-tagged

Cat.No. : EGF-866M
Product Overview : Recombinant mouseepidermal growth factor (EGF) is a 8.6 kDa globular protein containing 77amino acids residues, including 3 intra-molecular disulfide bonds. Recombinantmouse EGF protein, fused to His-tag at N-terminus, was expressed in E.coliand purified by conventional column chromatography, after refolding of theisolated inclusion bodies in a renaturation buffer.
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Species : Mouse
Source : E.coli
Tag : His
Description : EGF is a potentgrowth factor that stimulates the proliferation of various epidermal andepithelial cells. Additionally, EGF has been shown to inhibit gastricsecretion, and to be involved in wound healing. EGF signals through areceptor known as c-erbB, which is a class I tyrosine kinase receptor.
Form : Liquid. In 20mMTris-HCl buffer (pH 8.0) containing 2mM DTT, 10% glycerol, 100mM NaCl
Molecular Weight : 8.6kDa (77aa),confirmed by MALDI-TOF
Purity : > 90% by SDS -PAGE
Concentration : 0.5mg/ml (determinedby Bradford assay)
Storage : Can be stored at+4°C short term (1-2 weeks). For long term storage, aliquot and store at-20°C or -70°C. Avoid repeated freezing and thawing cycles.
Gene Name Egf epidermal growth factor [ Musmusculus ]
Official Symbol Egf
Synonyms AI790464; URG; urogastrone;Pro-epidermal growth factor precursor; epidermal growth factor; epidermalgrowth factor (beta-urogastrone); Egf
Gene ID 13645
mRNA Refseq NM_010113
Protein Refseq NP_034243
MIM 131530
UniProt ID P01132
Chromosome Location Chr 3: 129.67 - 129.75 Mb
Pathway Cytokine-cytokine receptorinteraction; Endometrial cancer; ErbB signaling pathway; Focal adhesion; Gapjunction; Glioma; MAPK signaling pathway; Melanoma; Non-small cell lungcancer; Pancreatic cancer; Prostate cancer; Regulation of actin cytoskeleton
Function calcium ion binding; growth factoractivity

Not For Human Consumption!


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