Recombinant Human Protein Disulfide Isomerase Family A, Member 2, His-tagged

Cat.No. : PDIA2-1814H
Product Overview : Recombinanthuman PDIA2 is a single, non-glycosylated polypeptide chain containing 503amino acids and a N-terminal 6xHis tag.
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Species : Human
Source : Human
Tag : His
Description : PDIA2constitute a family of structurally related enzymes which catalyze disulfidebonds formation, reduction, or isomerization of newly synthesized proteins inthe lumen of the endoplasmic reticulum (ER). They act also as chaperones, andare, therefore, part of a quality-control system for the correct folding ofthe proteins in the same subcellular compartment.
Form : Lyophilized from a0.2 μm sterile filtered solution of PBS, pH 7.0.
Purity : >95% by SDS-PAGEand HPLC analyses.
Molecular Weight : 62.4 kDa
Biological Activity : Thiolprotein reductase activity is 1.0 x 10-3, 650nm/min-2,determined by measuring the turbidity increase at 650 nm due to insulinreduction. The activity is expressed as the ratio of the slope of a linearpart of the turbidity curve to the lag time. Isomerase activity is 0.5 μmolactive RNase A min-1 μmol PDI-1, according to the reactivationof reduced and denatured RNase.
Endotoxin : < 0.1 ng/μg
Reconstitution : Centrifugevial prior to opening. Add sterile distilled water or aqueousbuffer containing 0.1% BSA to a concentration of 0.1-1.0 mg/ml. Please notethat the addition of any carrier protein into this product may produceunwanted endotoxin. This depends upon the particular application employed. Furtherdilutions should be made in appropriate buffered solutions.
Storage : Stable at2-8°C, but best kept desiccated -20°C. Upon reconstitution, stable for up to1 week at 2-8°C. For longer term, store in working aliquots below -20°C. Avoidrepeated freeze/thaw cycles.
OfficialSymbol : PDIA2
Pathways : Statin pathway
Gene Name PDIA2 protein disulfideisomerase family A, member 2 [ Homo sapiens ]
Synonyms PDIA2; protein disulfideisomerase family A, member 2; PDI; PDA2; PDIP; PDIR; proteindisulfide-isomerase A2; protein disulfide isomerase A2; Rho GDP dissociationinhibitor gamma; pancreatic protein disulfide isomerase; protein disulfideisomerase, pancreatic; protein disulfide isomerase-associated 2; PDIp; EC5.3.4.1
Gene ID 64714
mRNA Refseq NM_006849
Protein Refseq NP_006840
MIM 608012
UniProt ID Q13087
Chromosome Location 16p13.3
Function protein disulfide isomeraseactivity; isomerase activity; protein binding; electron carrieractivity; protein disulfide oxidoreductaseactivity; steroid binding

Not For Human Consumption!


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