Active Recombinant Human NOS1 protein

Cat.No. : NOS1-16H
Product Overview : Recombinant Human NOS1 was expressed in E. coli.
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Species : Human
Source : E.coli
Tag : Non
Description : NOS is responsible for the biosynthesis of nitric oxide from L-arginine in nervous tissues. nNOS is calcium/calmodulin dependent and has a Km = 2.0 μM for L-arginine.
Form : 40Mm EPS buffer PH7.5 100mMNaCl, 5% glycerol, 5uM H4B, 100uM L-arginine.
Bio-activity : 350-450 units/mg protein
Molecular Mass : 160 kDa
Unit Definition : One unit of enzyme activity represent the amount of enzyme that produce 1nmole of nitric oxide per minute at 37centigrade in 40mM Tris-Hcl, or Hepes or EPPs buffer,PH7.5 containg 5-10 uM Oxyhemoglobin. 1mM NADPH, 2uM FMN/FAD, 5uM H4B, 100uM L-arginine, 50units/ml Catalase, 5units/ml SOD, 0.1mg/ml BSA, 35ul of 9mM EDTA and and 35 ul of 150mg/ml CaM and 12.5mM CaCl2.
Storage : Store at -70 centigrade
Gene Name NOS1 nitric oxide synthase 1 (neuronal) [ Homo sapiens ]
Official Symbol NOS1
Synonyms NOS1; nitric oxide synthase 1 (neuronal); NOS; nitric oxide synthase, brain; nNOS; NOS type I; neuronal NOS; constitutive NOS; peptidyl-cysteine S-nitrosylase NOS1; bNOS; IHPS1; N-NOS; NC-NOS;
Gene ID 4842
mRNA Refseq NM_000620
Protein Refseq NP_000611
MIM 163731
UniProt ID P29475
Chromosome Location 12q14-qter
Pathway Alzheimers disease, organism-specific biosystem; Alzheimers disease, conserved biosystem; Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS), organism-specific biosystem; Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS), conserved biosystem; Arginine and proline metabolism, organism-specific biosystem; Arginine and proline metabolism, conserved biosystem; Calcium signaling pathway, organism-specific biosystem;
Function FMN binding; NADP binding; arginine binding; cadmium ion binding; calmodulin binding; flavin adenine dinucleotide binding; heme binding; metal ion binding; nitric-oxide synthase activity; nitric-oxide synthase activity; oxidoreductase activity; protein binding; tetrahydrobiopterin binding;

Not For Human Consumption!


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