Recombinant Human ACHE, His-tagged

Cat.No. : ACHE-101H
Product Overview : The protein was expressed as 6*his-tagged fusion protein by E.Coli and puri?ed by Ni-sepharose.
Availability March 13, 2025
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Species : Human
Source : E.coli
Tag : His
Protein Length : 1-351aa
Description : Acetylcholinesterase hydrolyzes the neurotransmitter, acetylcholine at neuromuscular junctions and brain cholinergic synapses, and thus terminates signal transmission. It is also found on the red blood cell membranes, where it constitutes the Yt blood group antigen. Acetylcholinesterase exists in multiple molecular forms which possess similar catalytic properties, but differ in their oligomeric assembly and mode of cell attachment to the cell surface. It is encoded by the single ACHE gene, and the structural diversity in the gene products arises from alternative mRNA splicing, and post-translational associations of catalytic and structural subunits. The major form of acetylcholinesterase found in brain, muscle and other tissues is the hydrophilic species, which forms disulfide-linked oligomers with collagenous, or lipid-containing structural subunits. The other, alternatively spliced form, expressed primarily in the erythroid tissues, differs at the C-terminal end, and contains a cleavable hydrophobic peptide with a GPI-anchor site. It associates with the membranes through the phosphoinositide (PI) moieties added post-translationally.
Storage : The protein is stored in PBS bu?er at -20 oC. Repeated freezethaw cycles should be avoided.
Storage Buffer : 1M PBS (58mM Na2HPO4,17mM NaH2PO4, 68mM NaCl, pH8. ) added with 300mM Imidazole and 0.7% Sarcosyl, 15%glycerol.
Gene Name ACHE?acetylcholinesterase [?Homo sapiens?(human) ]
Official Symbol ACHE
Synonyms ACHE; YT; ACEE; ARACHE; N-ACHE; acetylcholinesterase; Yt blood group; apoptosis-related acetylcholinesterase; EC
Gene ID 43
mRNA Refseq NM_000665
Protein Refseq NP_000656
MIM 100740
UniProt ID P22303
Chromosome Location 7q22
Pathway ATF-2 transcription factor network; Acetylcholine Synthesis; Biogenic Amine Synthesis
Function acetylcholine binding; acetylcholinesterase activity; beta-amyloid binding

Not For Human Consumption!


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