Recombinant E. coli sucC Protein, His-tagged

Cat.No. : sucC-187E
Product Overview : Active E. coli (strain K12) C-terminal His-tagged Succinyl-CoA synthetase enzyme purified from E. coli.
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Species : E.coli
Source : E.coli
Tag : His
Description : Succinyl-CoA synthetase from E. coli is responsible for the coupled hydrolysis of succinyl-CoA to the production of ATP (or GTP) in the substrate-level phosphorylation step of the citric acid cycle (TCA). This enzyme complex is formed as a heterotetramer, α2β2, where the two α subunits each contain the coenzyme A and phosphate binding sites, and the two β subunits each contain the succinate binding sites and provide nucleotide binding specificity. This enzyme is Mg2+-dependent.
Molecular Mass : 29.8 kDa (α), 41.4 kDa (β)
Purity : ≥85% estimated by SDS-PAGE
Unit Definition : One unit is defined as the amount of enzyme required to produce 1 nmol NADH per minute at 25 centigrade in 34 mM Glycylglycine buffer, pH 8.4, 3.4 mM Magnesium Chloride, 1.2 mM ATP, 0.89 mM Coenzyme A, 5.8 mM Succinic acid, 4.1 U/mL pyruvate kinase, 3.4 U/mL Lactic Dehydrogenase.
Stability : ≥ 1 year
Storage : At -80 centigrade (as supplied); avoid freeze/thaw cycles by storing protein in aliquots
Storage Buffer : 50 mM HEPES, pH 8.0, 150 mM sodium chloride, 20% glycerol
Gene Name sucC succinyl-CoA synthetase subunit beta [ Escherichia coli str. K-12 substr. MG1655 ]
Official Symbol sucC
Synonyms sucC; succinyl-CoA synthetase subunit beta; ECK0716; succinyl-CoA synthetase subunit beta; EC
Gene ID 945312
Protein Refseq NP_415256
UniProt ID P0A836

Not For Human Consumption!


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