Peroxidase Assay Kit
Cat.No. : | Kit-2432 |
Product Overview : | PEROXIDASES (EC number 1.11.1.x) catalyze the following oxidation-reduction reactions: ROOR + electron donor (2 e-) + 2H+ → ROH + R’OH. For many peroxidases the optimal substrate is hydrogen peroxide (H2O2), but others are more active with organic hydroperoxides such as lipid peroxides. In the cell, peroxidases destroy toxic hydroxide radicals that are formed as byproducts during aerobic respiration. The peroxidases represent a large family of enzymes that are found in animals (e.g. myeloperoxidase-like enzymes), plant, fungi and bacteria (cytochrome-c peroxidase like enzymes such a horseradish peroxidase). Simple, direct and automation-ready procedures for determining peroxidase activity find wide applications. peroxidase assay uses H2O2 and an electron donor dye that forms a pink color during the peroxidase reaction. The optical density (570nm) or fluorescence intensity (λex/em = 530/590nm) is a direct measure of the enzyme activity. |
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Tag : | Non |
Storage : | 4, -20ºC |
Shipping : | RT |
Size : | 100 tests |
Detection method : | OD570nm, or FL530/585nm |
Compatible Sample Types : | Biological |
Features & Benefits : | Fast and sensitive. Use as little as 10 μL samples. Linear detection range: colorimetric assays 2 to 50 U/L, fluorimetric assays 0.1 to 5 U/L peroxidase. Convenient and high-throughput. Homogeneous "mix-incubate-measure" type assay. Can be readily automated on HTS liquid handling systems for processing thousands of samples per day. |
Assay time : | 20 min |
Sensitivity : | OD, FL: 4, 0.8 U/L |
◆ Native Proteins | ||
Peroxidase-32H | Active Native Horseradish Peroxidase | +Inquiry |
Not For Human Consumption!
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