Native Cow IgM Protein

Cat.No. : IgM-01C
Product Overview : Native Cow IgM Protein
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Species : Cow
Description : Immunoglobulin M is the largest antibody isotype and the first to be secreted against an initial exposure to antigen. IgM is predominantly produced in the spleen. Formed from covalently linking 5 immunoglobulins together, the approximate molecular weight of IgM is 900kDa and possesses 10 binding sites (though due to the size of most antigens, not all sites are capable of binding at once). Due to this large size, IgM is typically isolated to the serum. Bovine IgM whole molecule is ideal for investigators in Immunology, Microbiology, and Cell Biology.
Form : Liquid (sterile filtered)
Purity : Bovine IgM whole molecule was prepared from normal serum by a multi-step process which includes delipidation, selective precipitation and tandem molecular sieve chromatography followed by extensive dialysis against the buffer stated above. Bovine IgM whole molecule assayed by immunoelectrophoresis resulted in a single precipitin arc against anti-Bovine Serum and anti-Bovine IgM (μ chain specific). No reaction was observed against anti-Bovine IgG F(c). Some light chain cross reactivity will occur with anti-Bovine IgG.
Applications : Bovine IgM whole molecule has been tested in SDS-PAGE and can be utilized as a control or standard reagent in Western Blotting and ELISA experiments.
Storage : Store vial at 4 centigrade prior to opening. Bovine IgM whole molecule is stable 4 centigrade as an undiluted liquid. Dilute only prior to immediate use. For extended storage mix with an equal volume of glycerol, aliquot contents and freeze at -20 centigrade or below. Avoid cycles of freezing and thawing.
Expiry : Expiration date is one year from date of opening.
Concentration : 1.0 mg/mL by UV absorbance at 280 nm.
Storage Buffer : 0.1 M Tris Chloride, 0.5 M Sodium Chloride, pH 8.0
Reconstitution : 0.1% (w/v) Sodium Azide
Shipping : Wet Ice
Official Symbol IgM
Synonyms Cow immunoglobulin M; IgM whole molecule; Bovine IgM

Not For Human Consumption!


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