Human Fetal Thymus Membrane Lysate

Cat.No. : Thymus-10H
Product Overview : Creative Biomart's membrane proteins are prepared from a large variety of documented and compliant quality tissues, including normal and diseased tissues from human and other species.
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Species : Human
Tag : Non
Description : Tissue membrane protein is prepared from whole tissue homogenates and presents a consistent pattern on SDS-PAGE analysis. The protein is stored in a buffer with protease inhibitor cocktail.
Concentration : 2 mg/ml
Components : All components may be considered bio-hazardous and may contain unidentified contagious material.
Shipping : Dry Ice
Quality control Testing : Protein lysate is verified on SDS-PAGE analysis as a consistent pattern. 2. Protein lysate is positively confirmed by Western Blot using specific biomarker: GAPDH for total protein, cytoplasmic and universal total protein; Histone for nuclear protein; Na/K ATPase for membrane protein; Vimentin for cytoskeleton protein.
Safety Testing : Effects of Overexposure: N/A Respiratory Protection: Wear masks while handling protein sample. Ventilation: General ventilation. Fume hoods should maintain a minimum face velocity of 100 lfm. Protective Glove: General lab safe impermeable gloves Eye Protection: Wear splash goggles or full-face shield. Keep eyewash station in working order. Handling and Storage: Wear appropriate protective clothing and avoid using sharp material such as needle, blade or broken glasses. Store in cold.Environment Protection: Treat all lab supplies that have contaminated with protein product with 2% bleach for 30 minutes, then autoclave for reusing or through away as biohazards.
Storage Buffer : HEPES, pH 7.9, MgCl2, KCl, EDTA, Sucrose, Glycerol, Detergent and a cocktail of protease inhibitors
Storage Instruction : See User's Manual for storage information. Handling and use as infectious material. Work under fume hood. Protect workers and environment. Store product in a safe place. Avoid unauthorized access.
Applications : Western Blot (10 μg to 20 μg per lane is recommended for a mini gel). Immunoprecipitation, Electrophoresis, Enzymatic activity analysis, Protein-protein interaction, tissue specific expression.

Not For Human Consumption!


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