Human Beta Thromboglobulin Reference standard

Cat.No. : PPBP-70H
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Species : Human
Tag : Non
Usage : No attempt should be made to weigh out any portion of the freeze-dried material prior to reconstitution The total contents of the ampoule should be reconstituted with 1.0 ml distilled water and dissolved by gentle mixing. No attempt should be made to weigh out any portion of the freeze-dried material. The reconstituted standard should be used as soon as possible and unused material should be discarded. Store unopened ampoules at -20 °C.
Notes : This preparation is not for administration to humans. The preparation contains material of human origin, and either the final product or the source materials, from which it is derived, have been tested and found negative for HBsAg, anti-HIV and HCV RNA. As with all materials of biological origin, this preparation should be regarded as potentially hazardous to health. It should be used and discarded according to your own laboratorys safety procedures. Such safety procedures should include the wearing of protective gloves and avoiding the generation of aerosols. Care should be exercised in opening ampoules or vials, to avoid cuts.
Stability : Reference materials are held at Creative Biomart within assured, temperature- controlled storage facilities. Reference Materials should be stored on receipt as indicated on the label. They remain valid with the assigned potency and status until withdrawn or amended. Users who have data supporting any deterioration in the characteristics of any reference preparation are encouraged to contact Creative Biomart.
Storage : Unopened ampoules should be stored in the dark at or below –20°C. Please note: because of the inherent stability of lyophilized material, Creative Biomart may ship these materials at ambient temperature.
Gene Name PPBP pro-platelet basic protein (chemokine (C-X-C motif) ligand 7) [ Homo sapiens ];
Official Symbol PPBP
Synonyms PPBP; pro-platelet basic protein (chemokine (C-X-C motif) ligand 7); THBGB1; platelet basic protein; b TG1; Beta TG; beta thromboglobulin; connective tissue activating peptide III; CTAP3; CTAPIII; CXCL7; LA PF4; LDGF; MDGF; NAP 2; NAP 2 L1; neutrophil activating peptide 2; PBP; SCYB7; TGB; TGB1; thrombocidin 1; thrombocidin 2; beta-thromboglobulin; CXC chemokine ligand 7; C-X-C motif chemokine 7; thromboglobulin, beta-1; small inducible cytokine B7; small-inducible cytokine B7; leukocyte-derived growth factor; low-affinity platelet factor IV; neutrophil-activating peptide 2; neutrophil-activating peptide-2; macrophage-derived growth factor; connective tissue-activating peptide III; small inducible cytokine subfamily B, member 7; TC1; TC2; B-TG1; NAP-2; THBGB; LA-PF4; SCAR10; Beta-TG; CTAP-III;
Gene ID 5473
mRNA Refseq NM_002704
Protein Refseq NP_002695
MIM 121010
UniProt ID P02775
Chromosome Location 4q12-q13
Pathway Chemokine receptors bind chemokines, organism-specific biosystem; Chemokine signaling pathway, organism-specific biosystem; Chemokine signaling pathway, conserved biosystem; Class A/1 (Rhodopsin-like receptors), organism-specific biosystem; Cytokine-cytokine receptor interaction, organism-specific biosystem; Cytokine-cytokine receptor interaction, conserved biosystem; G alpha (i) signalling events, organism-specific biosystem;
Function chemokine activity; glucose transmembrane transporter activity; growth factor activity;

Not For Human Consumption!


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