Chromatin Immunoprecipitation (ChIP) Kit (For Animal)

Cat.No. : KITMI-CP03A
Product Overview : Chromatin Immunoprecipitation (ChIP) is used to investigate whether proteins and DNA are interacted in the body. This technique helps researchers determine which histone repairs occur at a particular location in the genome in the nucleus adorn. Using specific antibody and antigen interaction, the DNA fragment bound to the target protein can be deposited, which can truly reflect the binding in DNA-binding proteins on DNA sequences.
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Size : 6 tests
Storage : Box A components: Store at 4°C
Box B components: Store at -20°C
Applications : Study transcription factors or histone modifications
Notes : 6 tests mean 6 times of single group (1 group of IP or 1 group of IgG or 1 group of positive antibody) immunoprecipitation experiments. The following procedure includes 1 group of IgG, 1 group of IP and/or 1 group of positve control (Options), which consumes 2-3 test reagents
Shipping : On Ice
Kit Components : Box A components
5×PBS: 7mL;
Glycine buffer: 700uL
Lysis Buffer: 1.4mL
ChIP Buffer: 14mL
DTT: 35uL
ProteinA/G Magnetic Beads: 350uL
Elution buffer: 1mL
5M NaCl: 150uL

Box B components
Wash Buffer 1: 7mL
Wash Buffer 2: 7mL
Wash Buffer 3: 7mL
Wash Buffer 4: 14mL
Proteinase K: 48uL
Normal Rabbit IgG: 6uL
Normal Mouse IgG: 6uL
Positive antibody (Histone-H3): 6uL
5 uM GAPDH primer (human): 40uL
5 uM GAPDH primer (mouse): 40uL
Protease Inhibitor (100×): 70uL
RNase A: 24uL

Materials Required but Not Supplied : 37% formaldehyde or 16% formaldehyde
Qubit fluorometer and quantitative kit
DNA purification recovery kit
SYBR Green qPCR Mix
DNA library building kit

Not For Human Consumption!


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