Active Recombinant Mouse Gas6

Cat.No. : Gas6-8334M
Product Overview : Recombinant Mouse Gas6 was expressed in NSO Cells.
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Species : Mouse
Source : Mammalian Cells
Tag : Non
Description : Growth arrest-specific 6, also known as GAS6 is a growth factor?that serves as a ligand for members of the Axl subfamily of receptor protein-tyrosine kinases.?GAS6 is expressed in hematopoietic tissue.?GAS6 function as a direct regulator of osteoclastic function; they give an insight into the role of these vitamin K-dependent ligands in bone resorption in vivo.?GAS6 has a potential therapeutic target to minimize graft-versus-host disease (GVHD).
Bio-activity : The biological activity of Mouse Gas6 was determined by its ability to bind rmAxl/Fc in a functional ELISA. Immobilized rmAxl/Fc at 2 μg/ml (100 μl/well) can bind rmGas6 with a linear range of 0.08 - 5 ng/ml.
Molecular Mass : The predicted molecular weight of Recombinant Mouse Gas6 is Mr 62 kDa. However, the actual molecular weight as observed by migration on SDS-PAGE is Mr 72 kDa.
AA Sequence : dqctpnpcdk kgthicqdlm gnffcvctdg wggrlcdkdv necvqknggc sqvchnkpgs fqcachsgfs lasdgqtcqd idectdsdtc gdarcknlpg sysclcdegy tysskektcq dvdecqqdrc eqtcvnspgs ytchcdgrgg lklspdmdtc edilpcvpfs maksvkslyl grmfsgtpvi rlrfkrlqpt rllaefdfrt fdpegvlffa ggrsdstwiv lglragrlel qlryngvgri tssgptinhg mwqtisveel ernlvikvnk davmkiavag elfqlergly hlnltvggip fkeselvqpi nprldgcmrs wnwlngedsa iqetvkantk mqcfsvterg sffpgngfat yrlnytrtsl dvgtettwev kvvarirpat dtgvllalvg dddvvisval vdyhstkklk kqlvvlaved valalmeikv cdsqehtvtv slregeatle vdgtkgqsev staqlqerld tlkthlqgsv htyvgglpev svisapvtaf yrgcmtlevn gkildldtas ykhsditshs cppvehatp
Endotoxin : <1.0 eu/μg="" as="" determined="" by="" the="" lal="">
Purity : >95% by SDS-PAGE and analyzed by silver stain.
Storage : This lyophilized protein is stable for six to twelve months when stored desiccated at -20°C to -70°C. After aseptic reconstitution, this protein may be stored at 2°C to 8°C for one month or at -20°C to -70°C in a manual defrost freezer. Avoid Repeated Freeze Thaw Cycles.
Gene Name Gas6 growth arrest specific 6 [ Mus musculus ]
Official Symbol Gas6
Synonyms GAS6; growth arrest specific 6; growth arrest-specific protein 6; GAS 6; AXL receptor tyrosine kinase ligand; Gas-6;
Gene ID 14456
mRNA Refseq NM_019521
Protein Refseq NP_062394
Pathway Cell surface interactions at the vascular wall, organism-specific biosystem; Gamma-carboxylation of protein precursors, organism-specific biosystem; Gamma-carboxylation, transport, and amino-terminal cleavage of proteins, organism-specific biosystem; Hemostasis, organism-specific biosystem; Metabolism of proteins, organism-specific biosystem; PTM: gamma carboxylation, hypusine formation and arylsulfatase activation, organism-specific biosystem; Platelet activation, signaling and aggregation, organism-specific biosystem;
Function calcium ion binding; metal ion binding; receptor agonist activity; receptor agonist activity; receptor tyrosine kinase binding;

Not For Human Consumption!


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