• Official Full Name

    tight junction protein 3 (zona occludens 3)
  • Overview

    The protein encoded by this gene is a member of the membrane-associated guanylate kinase-like (MAGUK) protein family;which is characterized by members having multiple PDZ domains, a single SH3 domain, and a single guanylate kinase-like;(GUK)-domain. In addition, members of the zonula occludens protein subfamily have an acidic domain, a basic;arginine-rich region, and a proline-rich domain. The protein encoded by this gene plays a role in the linkage between;the actin cytoskeleton and tight-junctions and also sequesters cyclin D1 at tight junctions during mitosis.;Alternative splicing results in multiple transcript variants encoding distinct isoforms. This gene has a partial;pseudogene on chromosome 1.
  • Synonyms

    TJP3;tight junction protein 3 (zona occludens 3);tight junction protein ZO-3;ZO 3;zona occludens protein 3;zonula occludens protein 3;ZO3;ZO-3;MGC119546
Cat.# Product name Source (Host) Species Tag Protein Length Price
TJP3-11539Z Recombinant Zebrafish TJP3 Mammalian Cells Zebrafish His
TJP3-1112H Recombinant Human TJP3 Protein, MYC/DDK-tagged HEK293 Human DDK&Myc
TJP3-1724H Recombinant Human TJP3 protein, His & T7-tagged E.coli Human His&T7 Met1~Leu210
Tjp3-1725R Recombinant Rat Tjp3 protein, His & T7-tagged E.coli Rat His&T7 Met1~Ala243
TJP3-3077H Recombinant Human TJP3 Protein, Myc/DDK-tagged, C13 and N15-labeled HEK293 Human DDK&Myc
Tjp3-6442M Recombinant Mouse Tjp3 Protein, Myc/DDK-tagged HEK293 Mouse DDK&Myc

    Involved Pathway

    TJP3 involved in several pathways and played different roles in them. We selected most pathways TJP3 participated on our site, such as , which may be useful for your reference. Also, other proteins which involved in the same pathway with TJP3 were listed below. Creative BioMart supplied nearly all the proteins listed, you can search them on our site.

    Pathway Name Pathway Related Protein

    Protein Function

    TJP3 has several biochemical functions, for example, . Some of the functions are cooperated with other proteins, some of the functions could acted by TJP3 itself. We selected most functions TJP3 had, and list some proteins which have the same functions with TJP3. You can find most of the proteins on our site.

    Function Related Protein

    Interacting Protein

    TJP3 has direct interactions with proteins and molecules. Those interactions were detected by several methods such as yeast two hybrid, co-IP, pull-down and so on. We selected proteins and molecules interacted with TJP3 here. Most of them are supplied by our site. Hope this information will be useful for your research of TJP3.



    • Qin, T; Yin, YY; et al. Whole inactivated avian Influenza H9N2 viruses induce nasal submucosal dendritic cells to sample luminal viruses via transepithelial dendrites and trigger subsequent DC maturation. VACCINE 33:1382-1392(2015).
    • Wang, HG; Dong, JN; et al. Anti-mouse CD52 monoclonal antibody ameliorates intestinal epithelial barrier function in interleukin-10 knockout mice with spontaneous chronic colitis. IMMUNOLOGY 144:254-262(2015).

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